Sunday, September 29, 2024

Hotfix 24.09.29

Hotfix 24.09.29 changes:

This update is primairly to fix and re-activate the unique item system, so that augments can be attached to these unique items again.

- The game will automatically apply the fix for the unique item system when you're past the introduction with the ministers in your castle at the start of the story.
- This fix will prevent the game from making duplicated items in saves that were created before the unique item system was introduced.
- The "disappeared" items should all be back.
- An option in the cheat/bugfix menu was added to allow you to remove duplicated legendary (unique) equipment. However, for this to work, you should be on your normal party (not female adventurers for example) and all equipment on characters is taken off by the system to allow it to count and correct the amount properly. (Since it can be annoying with all equipment being taken off, I made this an extra option in the bug-fix menu, instead of an automatic system.)
- The change of item names when augments are attached now works as intended, even in older saves.
- An option in the cheat/bugfix menu was added to give you an orb to clean item names that were bugged in the previous version. For example, an item whose name was changed to "Sharp " will return to it's original name when that cleaner orb is attached and removed once. The boost number behind the name (+X) can show a wrong value as result, but that doesn't affect the actual strength of the item or augment.
- The error in the crafting system with alchemy tables or with Chiyo's alchemy skill was solved.
- The "optimize" equipment option works properly again.

- The toggle for the colorblind mode is now in the options menu.

If you'd like to get early access to new updates, and help me test new content before the public release, feel free to join our discord server at:


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hotfix 24.09.26

The system for unique items, which was added in the update two days ago, sadly had a problem that I wasn't able to quickly fix. To avoid people getting problems with duplicated items or wrong item names, I disabled the system for the time being, while I work on a solution.
The duplicated items should disappear automatically, but all augments that are still on your equipment when you load the save in the new version will also disppear, so remove all augments that you want to keep before updating.
The wrong names items got due to the attached augments should also fix themselves.

The menu was changed. The status, equip, skill, formation, save, and load options are now back in their previous locations to make navigating through the options and characters better. Based on the feedback, this should be a better solution than packing everything in a sub-menu.

Using the "update files only" will quickly apply the fix to all versions apart from android.


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Update 24.09.24

Update 24.09.24 is primarily for quality of life and system improvements. The usual content updates will continue in the next version with Brad's wedding among other things.


- Improved menu system, which includes a „Fast Travel" option to replace the teleport orb item, and the options to load save files and exit the game completely.
- Improved item screen with new categories for the items.

The teleport screen (now „Fast Travel“) also has a few additions:
- Exit to go back to the location where you selected "Fast Travel" in the menu.
- Enter the country overview map to manage your country. (Unlocks after the events with Sir Edward, Mira, and the old barracks to the point where you previously received the country management map item.)
- Two new connections to the worldmap were added. One appears near Witton in the south of Central after your introduction to the ministers in the castle of Aldlyln, the second in Dorgania after they open their border with you.
- The black borders of the background on the left and right were replaced with green grass. The map also changes now when you have roads constructed. With the second upgrade for stone roads, the images on the left and right will also randomly change to a desert/snow background when you enter the screen.

[-Augment system-]
Some weapons and armor pieces are now „unique“ and can be upgraded with augments, which can be attached and detached freely.
- Runes give attack bonuses or additional skills for weapons.
- Glyphs will change the attack element of the weapon. Only weapons without an attack element have a slot for a glyph.
- Orbs can be used to improve stats in both weapons and armors.
- Spheres are upgrades for armors.

- Weapons now have a text color that shows their attack element. For example, a fire weapon is red, thunderfury as a thunder element weapon is yellow, and so on.
- Legendary items have orange names, unless their attack element is changed with a glyph.
- Armors that are unique with sphere and orb slots have a purple names, or orange when they're legendary items.
- The augments not only change the color of items, but they also change the name. For example, a Thunderfury blade with a rune of sharpness is renamed to "Sharp Thunderfury" and a (+X) behind the name shows a vague power level of all augments on the weapon.
- The (+X) number behind the name of the item doesn't affect it's stats. The number is just a visualisation of how powerful the augments on that item are, so that you can quickly see what item has a lot of augments on it.
- You can change the augments of equipped weapons/armors without having to take them off. (However, equipment that was equipped before this update has to be taken off and put back on first, before they appear in the item list of weapon/armor while being equipped.)
- Note: When you have an augment with percentages, like +ATK%, it won't change the stats of the weapon in the preview screen, as it increases the total ATK of the character equipping the item, not just of the item itself.

- A part of the idea for the system is that you can get the simple augments early, the better augments in raids or higher level dungeons, and the best augments in the time skip cotent and afterwards. This way, the legendary weapons you've farmed won't become replaced by better equipment in later stages, but are constantly improved instead.

- There are new mining spots and shop options all over the world to obtain simple augments, but you can also purchase them in a new shop on the time skip phase screen.
- An option in the cheating menu was added to give you a bunch of the most powerful augments, including those that can't be obtained yet. (Obviously just for testing purposes. You wouldn't use them for anything else...right?)

[-QoL, balancing, and bug fixes-]
- You can now enter the church you construct on the country overview map next to Thremten from the worldmap. (It currently has no events or chests in it though.)
- The damage of Frall's vanguard squad ability "Ice Lance" was increased from 5 to 15 dmg per remaning AP.
- Fixed a bug with Bristol's vanguard squad ability Meteor Strike, which caused the spot of defeated enemies to be impassable.
- New buttons on the laboratory and university research screen for the country management map allow you to quickly switch between the two screens.
- The price of pearls for skills in the skilltrees for the female adventurers was reduced.
- The "Turn End" icon on the country overview map now gives you the option to advance several turns at once, if you have 2 or more logistic points.
- Automatic increase of all party members with a level below 90 to level 90 when you enter the time skip events.
- The amount of seeds and fertilizers you receive from defeating boss enemies in the nature raid dungeon was significantly increased.
- The amount of crops you get from plants in the nature raid dungeon was changed from a fixed amount of 1 to a random amount between 1-3.
- The chance to get legendary items from the fire raid chests was significanly increased.
- I added an option in the cheat and bugfix menu to finish the quest Dorgania Deserter, so that people who encountered a bug that left the quest unfinished even after solving it can get it out of their questlogs.
- The random encounters on the worldmap were replaced by small monsters that run around on the map. The plants in Central are automatically defeated when Ryen is level 30 or higher, and the plants in Begus and the scorpions in Dorgania when Ryen is level 60+.

- The academy on the country overview map now increases the level of a vanguard squad by +1 for 30 Budget immediately (for an unlimited amount of times as long as you have enough Budget), instead of 10 Budget for +50 experience once per turn.
- In the secret mine of Manastyr, when you give iron to transmute it into strange gold, you now get to select how much iron you want to transmute instead of all iron being used automatically.
- The dialogs for trading with the hellhounds in the hellhound village in the volcano of Amagal were improved. You can now select how many of an item you want to barter, dialog boxes with comments like "Here you go~!" were removed to make trading faster, and you automatically get back to the barter options after a successful trade so that you can make multiple trades quickly in succession.
- Coal sources were added to the dungeon below the fort building in Witton. (The dungeon in which you meet Sandra.)
- A new construction option south of Thremten on the country overview map gives an permanent increase in Iron production for 25 Budget.
- When you interact with the constructed bakery on the country overview map, it'll now give you the option of a one-time upgrade to improve the production of bread by +2 per turn for 35 Budget.
- The whip in Varea's room in Manastyr is now obtainable. It's on the level of a magic dagger, but for M.ATK instead of physical ATK. The whip has a rune, glyph, and orb augment slot.
- The android version now has an option to import and export save files.


Friday, September 13, 2024

Update 24.09.13


Update 24.09.13 changes:
- The new character Lum was added to the brothel. Lum's event starts when you talk with the manager of the brothel on the left side in the brothel. She should have an !-icon above her head when you can trigger the event.
After the introduction of Lum, leave to the worldmap and re-enter the brothel. When you go up the stairs now, a new event with Lum in a forest will trigger.
During the event in the forest are a few optional dialogs, which you only get when Alcena is one of your vanguard leaders.
After the event in the forest, talk with Lum again for another new dialog.
For these new events to trigger, you need Allisa (the elf from Orchel) in the brothel, and Pandora must be in your bedroom.
- A new quest "Airhead" for a story with Tabsy and Amara was added. To unlock the quest, you need Tabsy's first dialog at her farm, Amara established as caretaker of Kayelinth's farm near Aldlyn, and 1x water lamia, cowgirl, and big harpy released at Tabsy's farm. When you have all requirements when you enter Tabsy's farm, she'll have an !-icon above her head and give you the new quest.
During the quest, you'll get an additional dialog part when you also have 1x small harpy, drider, and arachne monstergirls released at Tabsy's farm.
- A full body CG for Tabsy was added.
- A full body CG for Amara was added.
- A new event with the Thanka oni family starts in act 1 of the time skip map in Calterburry. Requires that you finished their previous events, to the point where Angrika is a vanguard leader for your army. The event has one CG scene in act 1, which unlocks a second CG scene in act 2.
- A new icon below Aldlyn on the teleport orb screen allows you to teleport directly to the worldmap now.
- A bug with Ellanore's events was fixed.
- Black Twin Towers of Honor daily challenges changes: On monday, you're still confused but you get 300% Max HP and +20% evasion. On Tuesday, the HP reduction to 1% was changed to 10%. The hit-rate reduction on Wednesday was reduced from -50% to -40%.
- The pregnancy icon for Ash is now blue when she got pregnant by Brad and not Ryen.
- The pages "Central 4" and "Non-human 4" were added to the CG room.
- I changed what Kayelinth's farm looks like on the worldmap, so that it's better visualized that you can enter a different area in that spot than with the farm below, which bring you to Aldlyn.


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Update 24.08.27

Update 24.08.27 changes:
- The main story now advances when you talk with Varea in Manastyr or the sleeping chambers.
It'll give you the connection from the present time to the time skip area, which isn't fully done yet, but has some new content.
- New dialog in act 1 with the vanguard forces.
- New dialog in act 1 with Flaire near Thremten (when she is on her good route)
- New dialog in act 1 with the Orchel elves after the racism quest is done.
- New dialog in act 1 with Sparky near The Black Twin Towers of Honor when you finished her riddle and brawl battle with Brad.
- New dialog in act 1 with Demoness at the Spire of Courage when you finished her events with Naevy.
- New dialog in act 1 with the raiders at the Spire of Courage when you defeated the fire raid at least once.
- New dialog in act 1 with Libelle in Aldlyn when you have her CG scene done.
- New dialog in act 1 with Aiyana in the forest south of Red Keep (if you returned Eagle and had the scene with Flora)
- New dialog in act 1 with Mozaik and Pandora at Tabsy's big farm. Requires their previous events.
- New dialog in act 1 with Cassedy in Witton after finishing the good or bad route with the Luminous Order.
- New dialog in act 1 with Ziki at Ironholm Prison when the events with her and Shanna are done.
- New dialog in act 1 with Lucilla in the forest in the north of Dorgania, west of Havaria Port. This dialog will unlock a new event in the same spot in act 2.

In the new area in act 2, Thiro's dungeon, you can currently do 5 challenges with:
- The original 6 vanguard leaders.
- Sparky. (After the challenge of Sparky is done, talk with her again for a CG scene.)
- Lady Akira, Kurohime, and Citrinne.
- Shanna, Naomi, and Ziki.
- Jackie, Lexi, Jenny, and Flaire when she is on her good route.
[Once all challenges are done, you can get a battle and CG scene with Thiro.]

- A new accessory was added, which gives the character who equips it triple experience from battles. (Experience gained from events or quests is not affected.)
You can get one on the first map of the easy dungeon in the Spire of Courage, and Aiyana can give you three more in act 1 of the time skip events. For Aiyana's dialog to appear in act 1, you need to be on her good path and finish her scene with Flora first.

- The lore about races in Ellanore's dialog was changed, and a few images were added to show and explain the new categories and the life spans of the different races better.

- Fixed a problem with Alcena's squad's ability to attack twice per turn.
- Fixed a bug with Akai's "Steam Gun" quest, which prevented the quest to finish and advance properly sometimes. If you encountered the bug, going back into Akai's workshop will automatically fix the issue and set the quest to complete when entering the building through the door.

I made an extra test version for the android .apk, with a custom made plugin by ryanu to import and export save files on android. Due to issues with my phone, I wasn't able to properly test this feature, so I'm uploading it as an additional version for testing, rather than adding it to the normal .apk version. Please let me know if this new feature works for you.
You can download the test version here:

Planned for the next update:
- A new character for the brothel.
- Act 1 event to get the support of the Thanka oni family and hellhound village.
- An event with full body CGs for the farmers Amara and Tabsy, which might also include some goblins.


Friday, August 9, 2024

Update 24.08.09

Update 24.08.09 changes:

- New event with the elemental spirits. It's start with a dialog with Aura on the time skip Act 1 map.
The new events only appear when you have:
1. Mira's events in the temple island until the point where you first meet Kathreena.
2. Windpsirit is in Ebron [Requires the main story in Dorgania to be advanced, and Vampire's CG scene, so that Windspirit is in the top left of Aldlyn. After you talk with her there, she moves to Ebron.]
[You can access the test version of the time skip content when you interact with the sparkling book in Ryen's bedroom in the castle of Aldlyn by selecting the "Time skip preview" option.]

- Naevy full body CG remake added
- New full body CG for Windspirit
- New full body CG and CG scene image for the Icespirit Aura

- CG room changes: Selka was moved to the page "Others 2" and Baemeth to "Non-human 2"  

- New walkthrough design with additional details to many parts, like individual pages for each character and all quests to have more space to explain everything you need to know. There are also more pictures to show locations of important objects, new riddle solutions, and much more.

Some equipment pieces have new locations to purchase them, to ensure that everything is obtainable:
- Ring of Regeneration (Kavrala's store in Orchel)
- Ring of Health (Kavrala's store in Orchel)
- Ribbon (Kavrala's store in Orchel)
- Thunder Armor (Kavrala's store in Orchel) [Also sold at the blacksmith in Diminus Castle.]
- Protective Gold Bracelet (Kavrala's store in Orchel)
- Black Hat (Magic store in Newkungu)
- Black Clothes (Magic store in Newkungu) [Also dropped by weak mummies.]
- Magic Robe of Earth (Magic store in Newkungu)
- Revealing Clothes (Magic store in Newkungu)
- Heart Shape Amulet (Lalizan store on a table)
- Hammer (Kagabangui blacksmith)
- Water Blade (Kagabangui blacksmith)
- Righteous Dagger (Kagabangui blacksmith on a table)
- Black Blade (Magic store in Calterburry)

For the next update, I currently plan:
- The continuation of the main story events, so that the time skip phase has a proper start even without the sparkling book in your bedroom.
- An event with full body CGs for the farmers Amara and Tabsy, which might also include some goblins.
- Change to the lore about races as explained by Ellanore.
- A new character for the brothel.
[There might be more or less, depending on how long things will take.]


Friday, July 5, 2024

Update 24.07.05

Update 24.07.05 changes:

- After finishing the war phase, you can get several new events in the "post war" phase of the time skip preview content. They're mostly about the three queens Palasha, Jeanne, and Varea, and how their nations and their roles change as result of the war. [You can access the test version of the time skip content when you interact with the sparkling book in Ryen's bedroom in the castle of Aldlyn by selecting the "Time skip preview" option.]
- The new events include two weddings, a coronation, and two different CG scenes.
- The stories are all started with sparkling green icons on the map of the post war phase. They can be near Kagabangui, in Amagal, and in Begus near Ironholm Prison or Calterburry. The different stories are mostly in one line, which means a new icon appears once the previous step is done. At some point, the stories are combined into one story line, and therefore require the events of the other characters to be done first.
- For one step of the events, the secret wedding with Jeanne and the wedding with Varea must be done before you can unlock it.
- The end of the new events is the second big CG scene, which takes place in the castle of Aldlyn.

As part of the Summer Sales, Renryuu is currently reduced on Steam by 76%! If you want to support me, and enjoy the automatic updates Steam provides, please consider a purchase. Thanks.


Monday, June 24, 2024


I combined some lists of planned CG scenes, story content, and other changes, to have a better overview and visualisation of what should get done in what order. 

A higher priority doesn't necessariy mean that something will get done earlier, but it's likely that most things will get done based of this order. 

I'll probably add content along the way, but I'll try to focus on the main story and related content, and on finishing existing stories rather than starting new stories all the time. 

There are no time frames since it wouldn't work out that way anyway. :D

Please let me know if you notice that I forgot to add something. Since it's a mix of multiple lists, it's possible that something was lost or forgotten about in the process. Suggestions are also possible, as always. 

[Warning: Image contains spoilers of future content!]

Monday, June 3, 2024

Bugfix update 24.06.03

- Fixed a problem with the country management map entry after using the war map. Either by going into the time skip test and back out, or by using the "teleport bug fix" option in the menu of the sparkling book in Ryen's bedroom, the issue can get fixed in saves that already have the problem before this change was made.
- A blue-! icon for characters at Havaria Port now shows where you can use a ship for travel.
- Bonus battle 3 showed the old UI when reaching the time limit. This is fixed now.


Friday, May 31, 2024

Update 24.05.31

Update 24.05.31 changes:
- The war system in the time skip preview was advanced significantly:

Battles in Amagal:
1. Yin Tower [Dialog with Joel and Yasmine before the battle of either the Yin or Yang Tower. The Yin Tower is defended by Yasmine.]
2. Yang Tower [Dialog with Joel and Yasmine before the battle of either the Yin or Yang Tower. The Yang Tower is defended by Joel.]
3. Barracks [The barracks are defended by Fulbertus. After your victory, if Atherune isn't captured yet, she'll hear about Fulbertus defeat and comment on it.]
4. Manastyr outside [Defended by Atherune. Story dialog with Zavier and Ryland before the battle.]
5. Manastyr inside [Defended by Zavier and Ryland. Zavier does an AoE attack each turn, Ryland "revives" the first time you defeat him. Story event after your victory, which unlocks the battles against Dorgania.]

Battles in Dorgania:
[The battles in the north are more difficult than in the south, but each battle gives the active vanguard squads permanent stat bonuses to make them stronger. This way, more battles give you more story and make the following battles easier.]
1. North Tower 1 [Defended by Lux.]
2. North Tower 2 [Defended by Wacko.]
3. Central Bridge [Defended by Alexandra. She retreats to Lualombo after the battle.]
4. Bridge near Sinasoka [When the Orchel elves are your allies, they'll sabotage/destroy the two barricades of the enemies.]
5. Newkungu [When you're married to Shanna, she'll get rid of one enemy unit after 3 turns.]
6. El Arma Gravesite [Time limit for the battle due to an incoming sandstorm.]
7. Tajurata Fort [Defended by Draven. After his defeat, he'll tell you more about the situation in Kagabangui and the reason for the war.]
8. Luolambo [Defended by Alexandra.]
9. Rakake [Defended by Loki.]
10. Siriveta [Defended by Gawyn.]
11. Sunee
12. Lalizan [Defended by Vaurghas.]
13. Minsk Harbour [You have the option to attack from the water or land at the start of the battle. When the chest isn't looted within a few turns, Phewyss comes with a ship, steals the treasure, and leaves.]
14. Kagabangui [Defended by Barnabe. Defeating him will finish the battle and leads to Dorgania's capitulation.]

- I added four !-events on the war map, which increase the strength of your regular army. This strength value is used during the battles in which you pick the option to leave the fighting to your army, instead of using the vanguards to fight yourself.
- Multiple other !-events show events and dialogs with different characters during the events of the war.
- Ending the turn twice in the war phase after defeating Begus will make a new force appear from the east. They have a story at the start of the battle and after your first victory. Afterwards it turns into a repeatable bonus battle.
- Added an achievement for winning the war against Dorgania after defeating Barnabe.

Other changes:
- Events and CG scene with Selka. Starts in the barracks of the vanguard forces when you speak with Selka after her squad reached level 3, and you had your first dialog with her in the barracks.
- Changed Sparky's brawler battle against Brad to not show the small Brad next to the big CG of Sparky anymore.
- Changes the costs of recruits for new vanguard squads from 4 to 2, as they're not as fast and easy to produce anymore as in the old system of the country management map.
- Fixed an issue which caused Lind's CG to stay on the screen after her last battle.
- Changed the face images of Icespirit in the first encounter with her to the new CG version.
- Added a way to donate Wood and Stone items from your inventory on the country overview map.
- Fixed the exit of the vanguard squad overview screen, so that it brings you back to the war map when you enter the screen from there.

Renryuu is currently on sale on Steam with a 50% discount! If you want to support my work, consider buying it on Steam and enjoy the automatic updates it offers, or check out my SubscribeStar page at where you can see preview CGs of the children of the characters in Renryuu.


Monday, May 6, 2024

Update 24.05.06


- New brawler battles for Brad. One in the tower east of Kagabanui, one in the tower slightly south of the first tower, and after those two battles you can challenge their master in Lalizan.
- In "Act 1" of the time skip events, the military commanders of the other nations are introduced in multiple events. A lot of them appear in casual clothes, while they will wear other outfits during the war phase.
[You can access the test version of the time skip content when you interact with the sparkling book in Ryen's bedroom in the castle of Aldlyn by selecting the "Time skip preview" option.]
- The new military commanders have short dialogs before and after some of the battles in Begus during the war act of the time skip preview events. You can get these dialogs by using the icon over Aldlyn to replay the battles. (Terese near Parverhill, Robin at the border near Ironholm Prison, Godfreed near Witton, and the other three in the battle of Calterburry)
- New event in the time skip act "Preg." It appears as a sparkling icon over Newkungu in Dorgania when both Shanna and Naomi are pregnant and married to you. After this event, the same sparkling icon will appear in the "Birth" act, and give you a CG scene with the two foxgirl sisters.

- The lightning brawler Sparky, which you can meet in the Black Twin Towers of Honor, has a full body CG image now. She was added to the CG room page "Others 2."
- New full body CG and character sprite for Flaire, the leader of the Thremten thieves guild.

- Fixed a bug in Tsiom's event, which prevented you from progressing Brad's story with her when you changed to the level 200 class before doing her event.
- Changed watchtowers on the worldmap to be "below" players, so that you can walk through them.
- Fixed an issue with randomized battles in the black twin towers of honor.

I'd love to hear which of the new characters you like or hate the most, and who you're looking forward to learn about more.

The next update will advance the war phase further, with new battles and more content about the military commanders of your enemies.
Finishing the war phase will be the top priority for the next update(s).


Hotfix 24.09.29

Hotfix 24.09.29 changes: This update is primairly to fix and re-activate the unique item system, so that augments can be attached to these u...