Saturday, April 6, 2019

Update 19.04.05

The new version 19.04.05 is now done. 
- New elf village Orchel south in Dorgania. Includes a bunch of new girls with full body CGs.
- Sex scene with Wendy starting at the inn/bar of Calterburry in Begus
- Good path Mai now has a new event with a short dialog about her past.
- Bad path Mai now has a new event to walk around the prison area after you left her out of her cell and walked out of the area as Ryen via the left exit back to the secret bedroom.

Patreon changes:
The patreon stretch goals have been updated. As I informed all patrons ahead of time in the "Beach CG preview and stretch goal changes" post, all goals have been changed since the elf village was fully funded and the new floors for the Spire of Courage don't need to be supported for a while anymore.
The new goals are:
$580: A CG scene with Jaylin, Kayelinth' mother, will be added to the game.
$650: A new scene with 2 or more girls with be added to the secret onsen. What scene exactly will be added for each month this goal is met will be decided with a voting between the patrons.
$700: The goal for the hellhound village was reduced from $800 to $700. I think the smaller gaps between the goal make them feel more realistic and not "unreachable" due to big jumps between them. 

Android version 24.12.26

  I made a new upload for android, version 24.12.26, to solve an issue with missing save files. Updating to this version will make your ol...