Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Update 19.05.21

The new version 19.05.21 is now available! :)

- The size of the sleeping chambers was increased. I added four rooms at the bottom of the map (which don’t have any new events in them yet).

- You can now find the woman Pharah in Lalizan in Dorgania. She will teach you about teleportation through stone plates which unlocks a new system. You can use the plates to teleport between all plates that you have interacted with after this new dialog. The locations with working plates are:
~ In Dorgania: Lalizan, Kagabangui, Lualombo and Orchel
~  In Central: Aldlyn (stone plate is new on the map on the right side near the main road), Havaria Port, Parverhill, Red Keep, Calbridge Stronghold and the Singing Mountains.
~ In Amagal: Manastyr In Begus: Diminus Castle, Spire of Courage and Calterburry
~ Bonus: Amaranthe
 I turned some stone plates, like on top of the castle of Aldlyn, to broken stone plates as they were just for decoration and not intended for this use. Please let me know if I forgot any stone plates somewhere.

- The events about Amagal continue! Next step starts with a dialog with Chiyo in Aldlyn after her previous events are done, the main story is finished to the point where Varea is in your castle, and you freed King Merius of Amagal (the guy that is now standing at the broken fort in Amagal)

- New CG scene with Chiyo. Enjoy~

Upload on Hi-Drive is still in the works, but all versions are available at MEGA:!CpQXwBDS!wwZlWRrPWoGzZX5h0-MlRQ

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Update 19.05.05

The new version 19.05.05 is now available as update files and for windows. Other versions will follow tomorrow. 

- Changed the fullbody CG for the ghostgirl Shey 
- You can now take the ship from Havaria port to the island resort Amaranthe (you need 1 ticket per party member) 
- On Amaranthe you can rent a private beach if you have the royal crown and 150,000 gold. 
- The beach on Amaranthe is another area where your group splits to allow to talk with group members privately. 
- Event with Elly requires that you had her second scene (titfuck). 
- Event with Mira, Vampire and Tsubaki requires that you have the event with Tsubaki at the beach first and then re-enter the map. 
- Event with Sandra in the dressing room. 
- Event with Mirel and Ryoko when you have both in your group. 
- Bikini CG with Kayelinth on the Amaranthe beach. If your relationship is high enough you can ask her to take off a part or undress completely. 
- The good path CG scene with Miyako is finally done!!! 
- If you had the scene with Hellhound in a maid uniform you can go back to the cave where she lives with Leneth for a new scene with her. 
- I changed the structure of choices for main characters on the CG room screen to put it all in the catergories of "Pre-sex scenes", "Sex scenes", "Full body CGs" and "Bonus scenes" to make the overview better compared to the "No .1" "No. 2"....  
- Fixed the construction of the second mine on the overview map. 

Update 25.02.12

  Changes: - New event with Wendy when you talk with her in the barracks of the vanguard forces, after you advanced the events of F.Grey to ...