Saturday, October 30, 2021

Update 21.10.30


Update  21.10.30

The events about the slavery and rebels in Dorgania continues! The new event starts when you find a note in Kagabangui. The note will appear when you enter the city with all requirements:
You need Brad and Sandra in your group, open borders with Dorgania, the events with Mike and the release of a vampire in Kagabangui done, and the dialog with King Lancafew about his opinion on slavery.
An optional part of the events may also require Sandra's lockpicking skils to be at 10 or more.

The event starts by giving the player information about the situation about slavery in Dorgania, and the different view points and approaches from the government and the rebels.
At the end of this part of the events, the player will have the (permanent) choice whether he wants to support the rebels or the government.
Depending on your choice, you'll either get the "Support the Rebellion" or "Support the Government." Both quests can be finished, but mark the end of the current content for this event line.

Help with finding the note in Dorgania in the picture:

I plan to add some quest to bring the player into the area, to make it more likely for players to find the note in the future.

Other changes:
- Trey's tactical retreat caused a game over when any of your companions were dead. In order to fix this, the skill now makes the enemies escape instead. It'll show the message that you were victorious, but you receive no rewards since no enemy was defeated.
- Added maps for the bakery and graveyard buildings, which you can construct on the country overview map.
There are no special events on these maps yet, but I consider using the graveyard as a place where you can release undead monsters in the future. For example the Jiangshi, which you can't capture yet.
The bakery could be a possible location for future events with Tsubaki, but also for other characters.
- New full body CGs for Wendy, Mirel, Chiyo, Sandra, Trey and Brad.
- Multiple nude full body CGs were added to the bathhouse when you talk with the characters, including Brad and Trey.
- The CGs of Chiyo's "teasing scene" and Kayelinth's "oral scene" were re-made.
- On the overview map, when trading with the caravan, you can now select how many healing salve, scrolls, and potions you want to buy, instead of being limited to buy one at a time.


Sunday, October 10, 2021

Update 21.10.10


Update 21.10.10 changes:

- The CG room now has three different groups that you can toggle with the "switch groups" button, as I added Dorgania as a category.
- A new event between Brad and the martial artist Ash now starts in Kagabangui, after you win the brawl battle against her and Grimace.
The quest in this event requires that you increase Brad's popularity to at least 10. You can do so by doing various events, and with the new "Brawler Perfume" item.
There are 5 such events in Kagabangui, 1 in Minsk Harbour, 2 in Newkungu, 1 in Rakake, and 1 in Tajurata Fort.
You can buy the brawler parfume in Lalizan and Orchel. Both are unique, and can be purchased only once.
(Increasing Brad's popularity above 10 has currently no special value. The perfume simply allows you to advance, even when you can't find 1 or 2 of the little events for his popularity.)
- New event with Aiyana, which starts with a dialog with Aiyana at the lake west in Aldlyn.
The event requires that you had Flora's first CG scene, that you finished Aiyana's quest "Summoning Blade" with giving her back her blade Eagle, and that you used the exit or entrance of Havaria port after finishing the quest.
- Fixed Chiyo's "Diligent Student" skill. The double exp effect wasn't applied, because the status was removed at the end of battle,
before the exp was added by the system.
- Fixed Sandra's "Greed" skill for double gold. It had the same issue as Chiyo's Diligent Student skill.
- Added a change log text file
- Changed Jessy and Kiki face images to prepare for a SFW release (nipples were in the pictures)
- Impregnating a girl now gives Ryen +1 happiness. (The variable is corrected in save files when you enter the CG room)
Minus the 10 happiness Ryen gets at the start, the variable now shows how many girls are pregnant.
- Aborting a pregnancy in the CG room will decrease Ryen's happiness by 1.

The CGs for Ash were made by the new artist fp0002006. You can see more of his works at

I made a SFW (safe for work) version of the game with censored CGs. In new games, sex scenes will get skipped. In save files, the scenes will be available, but with the censored CG images.
SFW version download:



Monday, October 4, 2021

SFW Version 21.09.23

I made a SFW (Safe-For-Work) version of the game. This means that the CGs are censored and dialogs for sex scenes are skipped.
There is no additional content or dialogs for the SFW version!
I want to make a „proper“ SFW version later, for example by adding CGs of naked enemies with clothes on instead of putting a censoring icon on top of her private parts, but it'll take a while before  that will be possible. Since some of the original artists don't work for me anymore, it'll require remakes of some of the old CGs.
The missing dialog due to the skipped scenes is also an issue that needs to be adressed. But I don't want to split myself and work on two entirely different versions of the game yet, that's why the current SFW version is rather crude.
The main reason for this SFW version is for people to test it, and check if I did properly censor and skip all questionable parts of the game, so that I can use it for a release of the game on steam.
A patch file to convert the SFW version to the normal NSFW version will be available on an external source.

The trigger for scenes to get skipped is at the start of the game, therefore it'd be necessary to start a new game to test this feature. The censoring of the CGs is applied even in save files.
I'd be very happy, if some people could test a new run in this game version, to check if there is still any questionable content in it. 

Other changes:
- Impregnating a girl now gives Ryen +1 happiness. The variable is corrected in save files when you enter the CG room. You can check the value by going to the menu → Status → Ryen → Variables. 
There are currently 98 girls that you can get pregnant, so that should be the highest possible value for Ryen's happiness.
- Aborting a pregnancy will now decrease Ryen's happiness by 1.
- Added a change log text file.
- Changed Jessy's and Kiki's face images slightly. The image is zoomed in more, to cut off the nipples, in order to make the images compatible with the SFW version. 

Bug fixes:
- Fixed Chiyo's "Diligent Student" skill. The double exp effect wasn't applied, because the status was removed at the end of battle, before the exp was added by the system.
- Fixed Sandra's "Greed" skill for double gold. It had the same issue as Chiyo's Diligent Student skill.

 [The patch files in the download folder are only to convert the new SFW version to the normal NSFW version. They're not update files to upgrade your old game version!]

Update 25.02.12

  Changes: - New event with Wendy when you talk with her in the barracks of the vanguard forces, after you advanced the events of F.Grey to ...