Saturday, December 31, 2022



Today, step by step, all countries in the world celebrate their start into the new year 2023.
As my present to you for this special event, I made a summary of Renryuu in 2022, my plans for the next year, and my artist made a New Years celebration wallpaper for you with the winners of the side character polls from a while ago.

Renryuu in 2022:
- A marriage system and the weddings for all main girls were added.
- A second accessory slot was added for all party members, so that you can combine wedding rings with other accessory items.
- The weddings with the first side characters, Mai and Dea, was added at the end of 2022.
- A wiki for the game was created:
- All 20 vanguard squad leaders can now be used (some only as test version without character image)
- Crafting is now available anywhere with Chiyo's "Alchemist" skill.
- Daily quests and character specific challenges available via the "Black Twin Towers of Honor."
- Adventures for the female genderbender trio.
- A colorblind mode was added for riddles where color is important.
- A card collection system was added with 180 unique cards.
- An achievement system was added.
- Renryuu had 21 game updates in total in 2022.

Plans for 2023:
- Most important: Advancing all planned content of the "current time" to move forward towards the time skip events.
(This includes the CG scenes for characters that don't have one yet, and political events with the other countries.)
- More weddings with side characters.
- Further preparations and improvements for the war system.
- Addition of the last vanguard leaders with character images.
- More monstergirls.
- Improve and finish the wiki with all important information.

The wallpaper is available in:
1024x768 [4:3]
1280x1024 [5:4]
1600x1200 [4:3]
1920x1080 [16:9]
1920x1200 [16:10]
3840x2160 [16:9]

Download link:

Have a good start into 2023 everyone!

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Update 22.12.24


Happy Holidays!

The wedding for the first side characters is here!
Version 22.12.24 adds new events with Mai and Dea, which'll unlock their marriage. The events also introduces a new and unique monstergirl called Nessa.
The story starts when you talk with Lili in the castle of Aldlyn after you have all requirements:
- Dea's previous good path events. [Solo scene with Dea in the secret hot spring]
- Beach scene with Lili.
- Marriage system unlocked.
- Chiyo's events done to the point that Mozaik is living at the big farm in Central.
- First dialog with Akai at the work area near Aldlyn.

- I changed how the random encounters with purple flames in the "Black Twin Towers of Honor" work, so that they don't turn into different monsters at the end of the battle sometimes.
- There was a bug that when you changed the armor on vanguard squads, the previous armor of the squad would disappear. This issue is fixed now.


Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Update 22.12.06


Update  22.12.06
- For those that haven't heard about it yet, I created a wiki for the game at
The wiki is still not fully finished, as many characters and locations are missing, but it already has a bunch of additional details that the walkthrough doesn't offer.
Apart from the main page the entire wiki can be edited by everyone. Which means people can directly add details themselves when they notice that something is missing or unclear.
Any help to improve and expand the wiki is appreciated!

- The vanguard leader Della now has new events and a CG scene. The last step of the dialogs requires that Della's squad is level 7 or higher.
- Change to Della's aiming mini-game: Every few movements, the aiming image is certain to go to the middle of the target.
- New ability "Alchemist" for Chiyo after the events about the alchemy equipment for her. When you're past those events in Chiyo's story, she automatically learns the new skill when you talk with her in her sleeping chamber.
"Alchemst" replaces the dialog option for crafting, and allows you to open the crafting menu anywhere while you're out of combat.
- Removed the word "Equip" from the choices when you change weapons, armors, or horses for vanguard squads, as the text was too long in a few cases.
- The CG image in Mary's CG scene doesn't stay on the screen anymore, and the first image is now the updated CG art version.
- The "Black Twin Towers of Honor" can now be build! A dialog with General Günther about these towers becomes available when you use the teleport orb after you recruited all party members and finished the first floor of the Spire of Courage.
The construction will be a big project with three increasingly expensive phases.
In the tower itself, you can take three types of daily quests: Hunting, Fighting, and Speed.
You can also do a solo challenge with each party member, which gives the character either a new skill or increased stats at the end. Most challenges usually have some sort of gimmick.

About the daily quests:
- The Fighting quest has a different buff/debuff depending on which day it is:
Monday: Everyone is confused and does random attacks at random targets in every battle.
Tuesday: All party members have only 1% HP but +70% magic and physical evasion.
Wednesday: Hit rate reduced by 50%, but +50% experience gained.
Thursday: MP cost for skills *5 but the TP gain rate is tripled and TP is preserved between battles.
Friday: -50% (M.)ATK but +30% crit chance
Saturday: Gold and item drop chance doubled
Sunday: -50% (M.)DEF but AGI tripled
- The game checks what day is set in your system when you enter the tower, which means you have to leave and re-enter the tower when you want to update the day.
- When the date changes while the game is running, it might be necessary to restart the game before it'll recognize the new date when you enter the tower.
- You can do the daily quests more than once per day, but you'll get the full reward only once per day. A red orb turns green when the quest is done for the current day.


Update 25.02.12

  Changes: - New event with Wendy when you talk with her in the barracks of the vanguard forces, after you advanced the events of F.Grey to ...