Thursday, May 25, 2023

Update 23.05.25



- New dialog with Aika Thanka in the bar of Calterburry when you unlocked the vanguard battle system, won the brawler fight of Brad versus Ash, and when you found the hellhound village in Amagal. The event will introduce her sisters Bennika and Angrika. Angrika will become a vanguard squad leader at the end of the events.

- The lightning brawler Sparky appears in the Black Twin Towers of Honor when you finished Brad's solo challenge, and when you have the brawler stamp card. Brad can have a brawl fight against her after finishing her challenge area. Winning the brawl fight will give Brad and Ryen new skills. Sparky's current character and face images are just place holder. She is planned to get a full body CG image later, but I decided to added her events and character before the CG is done.

- Changed the storage screen of the overview map to allow you to see what production is unlocked and what not, and tell you what you need to unlock it. The screen also gives you the option to pause productions that require other resources as materials now.

- I added the option to disassemble "all weapons/armors except one of each type" to the anvil of the fire and nature raid.

- The production rate for some resources of the overview map was increased.


Saturday, May 6, 2023

Update 23.05.06


 Changes in version 23.05.06:
- The dialog option of Cassedy to either annex the Luminous Order, or to make peace with them, are now unlocked and start new events.
The battle route will include a bunch of new enemies, and take longer to finish.
When the peaceful route for the Order is done, the ship on the worldmap will take you directly into the facility of the Order, and when you leave the facility, it'll also give you the option to return to Central directly, without the need to go through the cave area every time.
- After solving the future of the Luminous Order with either route, and when you have Scuffy as a vanguard leader, you can talk with Cassedy about soldiers with guns to get a new CG scene.
- Added one cowgirl monstergirl to the top right corner of Lualombo.
- The replay for the scene of Lace together with Irinlia can now be unlocked when they're both on different routes, not just when they're both on the good route.
- I moved the icons of the characters in the top right corner during battles down by 30 pixel, so that the icons don't overlap with the text. Since some enemies on the right side were already close to the icons, let me know should you spot any encounters where the change does cause an issue. Thanks.
- I lowered the priority for the icons of the country overview map buffs, so that many other buffs and debuffs are shown rather than those buffs in the menu and during battles. This'll ensure that, for example, you won't miss important debuffs in boss battles anymore, due to the country map buffs taking up all of the space for visible buffs/debuffs.
- Changed the names of the "Small Spidergirl" and "Big Spidergirl" monstergirls to Arachne and Drider.
- I changed all normal spider enemies (NOT the spider monstergirls) into rats, to make things easier for people with arachnophobia.


Android version 24.12.26

  I made a new upload for android, version 24.12.26, to solve an issue with missing save files. Updating to this version will make your ol...