Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Update 19.12.24

The Christmas special is now available! :)


- Resources on the overview map are now color marked in dialog boxes.
- A Christmas elf has appeared in the castle in Aldlyn and is waiting for you to play with her
- Fixed a bunch of bug and corrected spelling mistakes, including some bugged constructions on the overview map.
- A second Christmas elf is at the Twin Ale Tower in Begus and needs your help to find some presents that she lost in Begus.  
After helping the second elf you get to a screen where you can customize a girl, who will receive a sex scene around New Years Eve with all the details you picked. Out of curiosity I'd be happy if everyone could post their final result of what combination they liked the most.

(Hi-Drive links will be updated later) 

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Christmas quiz

As announced in the last update notes I want to make a Christmas quiz on discord. 

How does this work?
- I'll make a voice channel in which only I can speak and will read a text which includes some questions. Everyone will be able to write answeres into a text channel which will have a "slow-mode". Slow-mode means people can't spam answers but will have to wait a while before they can write again.
Depending on the amount of people that join us either the first answer gets one point each, or the first person gets three points, second two points and third person one point.
The people with the most points win at the end.
The questions were picked in such a way that most of the time it's not about looking up the answer but it's about who gets what I want to now faster. For example I might describe a main party member.

What can I win?
- Apart from the everlasting fame of winning the first Renryuu Christmas quiz I'll also reward you with Renryuu T-shirts. Other rewards like something in-game are negotiable. :D

T-shirt preview:

Where and when will the quiz be?
- The quiz will be on our discord at

Thursday 26th December 2019

Time:Time zones can be a bit of a pain so if you're not sure what the following time is for you either use google or ask in the comments.
UTC is the "Coordinated Universal Time" time zone. I'll give you the time for three different time zones and hope everyone can figure out what time that is for them. :D

UTC+1 (For example Berlin/Germany) at MIDNIGHT
UTC-5 (For example  Washington/America) at 18:00 o'clock (6:00 PM) 
UTC-8  (For example San Francisco/America ) at 15:00 o'clock (3:00 PM)

Monday, December 16, 2019

Update 19.12.15

This is not the Christmas update yet! I want to get another update done around Christmas with two special Christmas events. The previous Christmas scenes will also be unlocked again. :)
This update focuses mostly on the overview map and improves the resource gain and adds new features. Not everything is done yet but I think I made a good improvement to the system.
Changes in update 19.12.15:
- New research tree for the overview map.
- New buildings and production chains.
- Many buildings now cause upkeep. The upkeep is the amount of gold you need to spend for each turn you advance in the overview map. This is supposed to stop spamming the turn end button, especially for players that don't have much gold yet. (Obviously it won't stop people with millions....)
- After meeting the merchant Darude in front of the castle you get 1 offer each for selling or buying something, which changes each turn.
- Small chance of a fire each turn. Fire causes +300 gold upkeep until the damage has been repaired.
- The building cost reduction and mining speed are now research project and were removed from the skilltree. (You get the skillpoints back when you already had it).
- Costs of buildings and the amount they produce have changed.
- Work area near Aldlyn can be entered through the worldmap. It contains Akai's workshop. She can construct a new gun for Elly and sells gun attachments.
- "Gun attachments" added as a new equipment slot for Elly. The only one you can find outside of Akai's shop is at the snowruin where Elly brings you after you helped her during the first encounter with her. It's a target scope to increase hit and crit chance slightly.
- CG scene with Akai after you finish the construction of the special gun. You start it by selecting "Ask about Akai".
- Added the new screen for your vanguard units. You can enter it via the blue button below the tutorial, exit and turn end buttons. (The units on the overview map shouldn't be visible anymore)
- Added a message on the CG screen that will appear once to explain that you can trigger pregnancy when replaying scenes.
The random events for the newspaper, the equipment for vanguard units and the unit cap isn't done in this update and will be added later.
Other stuff: 
- The update took longer than I wanted once again and didn't advance the parts that I wanted to focus on more. That's why my New Year's resolution is already clear. Get back to updates about every 2 weeks, finish the sex scenes for all main girls and finish all patreon stretch goal rewards. The rewards include the scenes for all elves in Orchel (CGs are almost all done by now) and a hellhound village which currently has 6 new hellhounds designed for and sex scenes are in the works. 
- I have some CGs that got made over the years but are unlikely to be used anymore. That's why I thought it might be a good idea to reveal them on discord as a little treat over the holidays and get some feedback what you guys think about them. 
- Another idea I had for Christmas was to make a little quiz on discord and give out Renryuu T-shirts as rewards. I'll anounce the time and day ahead of time once I know when I'll be able to do it. :D 
The Renryuu discord can be found at

Android version 24.12.26

  I made a new upload for android, version 24.12.26, to solve an issue with missing save files. Updating to this version will make your ol...