Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Update 19.12.24

The Christmas special is now available! :)


- Resources on the overview map are now color marked in dialog boxes.
- A Christmas elf has appeared in the castle in Aldlyn and is waiting for you to play with her
- Fixed a bunch of bug and corrected spelling mistakes, including some bugged constructions on the overview map.
- A second Christmas elf is at the Twin Ale Tower in Begus and needs your help to find some presents that she lost in Begus.  
After helping the second elf you get to a screen where you can customize a girl, who will receive a sex scene around New Years Eve with all the details you picked. Out of curiosity I'd be happy if everyone could post their final result of what combination they liked the most.

(Hi-Drive links will be updated later) 

1 comment:

  1. Well this game is fun and Happy Holidays!

    Character Customization
    Can't decrease the bust size :P
    Didn't see any Hat accessories
    No personality quirks

    Would have tried for Lucia from Eternal Blue but anyway here it is!EgYnAIrC!Xn7BPT91TOL5kq8Fk0ie5pueaQqE0Kh_RByb0nBCNKE


Update 25.02.12

  Changes: - New event with Wendy when you talk with her in the barracks of the vanguard forces, after you advanced the events of F.Grey to ...