Monday, November 30, 2020

Update 20.11.30


Update 20.11.30 changes:

New event for Elly, which starts at the sleeping chambers when her previous events are done. Also requires the events with the Queen of Begus to the point where she is ready to sleep with you. [You don't need to sleep with the Queen to unlock Elly's event.]
After the events with Elly and Adrianna, talk with Elly again at the sleeping chambers for a new dialog and CG scene. Talk with her again afterwards for another new dialog.
The CG scene requires a relationship of 100 or more between Ryen and Elly.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Not sure where to post this. Is there anyway where you can grant main character magic, all magic possible of all elements and healing? I really really want a mage for main character. I have a very hard time relating to him due to no magic. Would this at all be possible?


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