Saturday, December 16, 2023

Update 23.12.16


 Update 23.12.16 changes:

When you go to sleep in your bed in the castle, a message will appear and ask you if you want to enter the 2023 Christmas special dream area. The area shows some dream events of the 12 party members, which give them permanent buffs, and you get tokens for the Christmas slot machine.
Be warned. Since the area shows dreams, not everything in it might make sense.
When you leave the area after finishing all 12 events, you'll receive a Riddle Key as bonus reward.

A new event starts when you talk with Lind in the meeting room on the right side of the sleeping chambers in the castle of Aldlyn. It requires her previous CG scenes, and that the marriage system is unlocked to the point where you can pick a wife. It prepares her future wedding by advancing her relationship with Ryen, but the wedding itself isn't part of this update.

In the test version for the war system (which you access via the sparkling book in Ryen's bedroom), you can now fight the battles for Norhall Stronghold, Whitestone Citadel, and Calterburry, after capturing Meddling Castle and defending Parverhill. Calterburry has 2 battles when you fight with the vanguards, or an automatic sequence that plays when you let the army fight for you. After the battle of Calterburry, you get a story sequence, which is the current end of the war system. In a future update, the battles against Amagal will become available after this event.
On turn 8 of the war test system, and when you make the right choice during the automatic battle at Whitestone Citadel, you get a permanent buff to the strength of your regular army for automatic battles.

I added remakes of full body CGs for: Alcena, Lace, and Lind.
Mira's full body CG in different art styles was changed to the same art style as her newer images.

The title screen music was changed for the Christmas time.

If you like my work, please consider buying the game on Steam, or support me on SubscribeStar:
One of the pledge rewards on SubscribeStar is the preview for full body CGs of Ryen's future children. The most recently posted CG is the future daughter of Mai.
Since 2023 is getting to it's end, here are my "New Year's resolutions" (or in other words, my plans and priorities for the future game development.)
A focus point for 2024 will be to finish the time skip events, so that I can hopefully end the main story in the post-time skip phase in 2025.
There will still be a lot of unfinished and missing content after the story is done, to keep me busy for some more years, but I feel like it's important to get the main story done.
The major part for the time skip events will be to finish the war with Begus, then with Amagal, and then the events of the war with Dorgania.
Another important part of the priority content will be the missing weddings. Brad and multiple side characters are scheduled to get married, and will piece by piece get their events into the game during 2024.
Of course, as before, I'll add some other side content here and there, but the time skip content, main story, and weddings, will be my highest priority.

The remaining part of 2023 will be used to improve the wiki/walkthrough.


Monday, November 27, 2023

Bugfix 23.11.27

 Update files to version 23.11.27 to fix two small bugs:

  • The quest box disappeared when you entered and left the CG room from anywhere but the country overview map. It now properly puts the quest box back on when you leave the CG room in any location.
  • The cheat to reduce relationship with party members was bugged. It now works as intended.
(Of course, these changes will be included in the next full update. These update files are just for a quick fix.)

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Update 23.11.23


Update  23.11.23

Originally, it wasn't my plan to make two fast but small updates in a row, but I wanted to update the game for some bug fixes, and it always feels better to add some new content with it. The next updates should have the normal size again.

- An npc with a ! above his head will appear left of your castle in Aldlyn, near the inn, and start a new quest with Kurohime. Requires the previous events with Kurohime, and the event with her and Citrinne.

- The quests "New Blade" and "Bow Maintenance" finish properly now. For anyone who finished either quest but has it still active in the quest log, you can use the sparkling book in your bedroom and select [Bug fixes] ->  "Fix quest log" to mark the quest as finished.
- I added a one time option to gift money from your country budget to the capitals of Dorgania, Begus, and Amagal to improve your relationship with them by +10.
- You can now use 15 Budget to request new trade offers from merchant from other contries on the trading screen.
- Two cheats were added to the sparkling book in your bedroom. One to improve the relationship with Dorgania by +10 with each use, and another one to reduce relationship with a party member by -10, -25 or to 0.
- Fixed a bug with the daily quests in the Black Twin Tower of Honor.
- Fixed a bug which sometimes caused an error when you used the main entrances to the castle in Calterburry.
- Fixed a bug with the White Silver quest, which didn't advance properly when you didn't have the silver ore for Allen immediately during the dialog with him.


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Update 23.11.16


Update 23.11.16

I made a small update with new events for the vanguard leader Jessy, so that I can also upload several fixes for bugs and issues together with it.

- When you use your teleport orb after Jessy's CG scene, and with the wedding system unlocked, a new dialog with Jessy becomes available at the barracks, which unlocks the marriage with her.
- The event with Jessy includes three mini games, and unlocks the option to fish in Aldlyn to get the Fish items without having to buy them.
- You can replay the trip with Jessy via the CG room, which allows you to play the mini games again.
- A bug with Mira's events was fixed.

- I found the issue with the black quest log screens in the android version. Apparently too many rows of text causes the visual bug. By reducing the shown information to a minimum, the quests don't turn black anymore. It's not great that I had to remove some of the details for the quests, like what rewards you get or who gave you the quest, but it was necessary in order to make the system work properly.
This change only affects the android version. The quest log will still show the full details for all quests on all other systems.


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Android apk update 23.11.07

To fix the problem with updating the game on android, I uploaded a new .apk with the version number 23.11.07:

Despite being an exact copy, with all settings exactly the game, the programm to create the .apk works differently on my old PC than on my new one. Which seems to have caused the issue. No idea why, no idea what to do about it, but for now I can solve it by exporting the game to android on my old PC. 
Sorry for the inconveniences this problem caused.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Update 23.11.06

- I added a new CG scene when you talk with Vampire on the private beach of the island Amaranthe after marrying her.
- A new quest becomes available at the Aldlyn city board with a bounty for the pirate Biggs, which unlocks new quests at the end for the wedding with Naomi and Shanna. For the bounty to appear on the city board, you require the wedding system to be unlocked, and the solo CG scenes with Shanna and Naomi, as well as their secret onsen scene.
- Palasha's hair color was changed in all CG images.
- Jackie and Lexi have received full body CGs and a remake for their CG scene. They can be seen in the CG room. (Lexi is now also in the CG room, on the page "Monstergirls 3")

The quest log was changed to a new system. In saves, when you're past the introduction dialog to the ministers when you first go into the castle in Aldlyn, the game will automatically start a background event within ~1 sec after loading the save file, to convey the old quest progress to the new quest log. This is a one time thing, and won't happen again, nor will it happen when you start a new game.
[The phase between the start and the dialog with the ministers is a grey zone. The quest log won't get updated until you get the dialog with the ministers.]
In some cases of this conversion in save files, the conditions for whether a quest was done or not didn't have a clear trigger in which the progress was saved, so some optional quests might get put into the "complete" category even if they weren't actually done. It's sadly necessary, but won't do any harm. Every other quest should be shown exactly the same in the new quest log as it was previously in the old version.
I also changed one of the quests that previously ended as "failed" due to the story in it to be "complete" at the end.
The change to the system is, apart from the visuals in the quest journal, just background stuff. The quests won't play any different than before, nor did the story of the quests change in any way.
Please let me know if you like the quest window in the top right corner, or if it's a problem. Should it bother you, you can hide it in the options menu, but I'd still like to get the feedback, if it's a good addition.

I'd also like to know if I should replace the old full body and face images of Shanna and Naomi with their new CGs from this update. The old images aren't bad, but the artist aren't around to make new CGs for the characters anymore. (Like the wedding dresses that I needed for this update.)

During the tests, some android users reported issues with updating the game with the .apk. A fresh install seems to have no problem, but please let me know should more people have this problem with updating the game on android.

A while ago, the CGs for the children of Lili were added to the collection on SubscribeStar. The next characters to get CGs for their children are Dea and then Mai.
If you want to see the CGs and vote on whose child should get a CG image next, you can check my SubscribeStar page at:


Monday, October 2, 2023

Update 23.10.02


The small update 23.10.02 adds several bugfixes, improvements, and a new dungeon area:

- When you go to the secret mine area in Manastyr, and to the purple forest in the east of that area, you can talk with an NPC in the bottom right to get to a new area. Ryen has to be levle 45+ to be allowed to go into the new area.
- In the new area, you have to fight monsters for "fuel" to activate switches, which'll make a boss enemy appear with a special combat style. This unique threat can be avoided for a while if you figure out the "trick" to deal with it.
- The boss always drops 1 of 3 different equipment pieces. The two heavy armors can be used to fuse them together to one of two legendary heavy armors at the nature raid anvil screen. This crafting is always successful. The first result is random between the two option, the second attempt will always give you the missing legendary armor. Afterwards it becomes unavailable.

- A bug which caused Ryen to be stuck looking into one direction after events at the time skip screen was fixed.
- I added the option to use 1, 5, or all materials of the selected kind of bait while fishing in the nature raid dungeon. If it's a valid bait, you get the catch in the same amount.
- I added the option to disassemble raid gun attachements in the fire raid anvil screen, and to craft the legendary AP Bullet Upgrade with purple weapon parts.
- Less messages will show when planting crops in the nature raid dungeon now, if you have unlocked Kiki's challenge. (Which unlocks when you talk with her after defeating all three nature raid bosses.) Since the messages give the hint at what you have to do for the plants to grow, I didn't want them to disappear immediately, but at the point you defeated all three bosses, you should probably know how things work in the dungeon.
- The effect for alcoholic drinks was changed, to fix a bug which caused other characters to get the special skills Elly gets while being drunk.


Monday, September 25, 2023

Update 23.09.25


Update 23.09.25 changes:
- The main part of this update is the preview for the "time skip" system and the first part for the war events. The "time skip" system will advance the events after the current end of the main story and is split into different phases. My plan is to keep adding to these phases over time, as it's too much to do it all at once, while also continuing the content of the "current" time. You can enter the "time skip preview" by using the sparkling book in Ryen's bedroom in the castle of Aldlyn.
- Only the "pre-war" phase has events at first, where the story guides you to the war phase. There are some dialogs in the "pre-war" phase you only get when you have previously selected to prepare for war against that nation.
- During the war phase, you can fight with the vanguards, or use a text based system if you want to get through the story faster. (Currently only Begus is available for war.)
- The text based system has a random chance to win or lose battles, depending on various factors like army skill level, special equipment (like anti-cold armor), or choices during the dialogs. Losing a battle this way will cost you only Action Points. There is a special reward for finishing the battle at Meddling Castle within a time limit, but else there is no rush or limit to the AP or turns you have.
- There are 8 battle locations for the current version of the war system: Near Witton, center border of Central and Begus, near Parverhill, the street in the north of Begus, Ironholm Prison, Diminus Castle, Meddling Castle, and one story battle after Meddling Castle. The story battle after Meddling Castle was secured is the current end of the test version. (There are no battles available for Amagal or Dorgania yet)

- At the start of the battle, you can now select to change the formation. It doesn't allow you to move the starting positions, but you can swap the squads with each others, for example, to put your melee units in front, and ranged units in the back.
- In the formation phase, you can also change a squad on the battlefield to one of the unused squads from the reserve.
- The formation phase allows you to look around the battlefield before you start the battle.
- I added little icons to show how troops in vanguard battles are armed.
- Fixed a bug which caused the previously used armor to disappear when you changed the armor of some vangaurd leaders to plain armor.
- Fixed a bug which caused enemy melee squads in vanguard battles to counter ranged attacks.
- I changed the white arrows of the "selection icon" you use to interact with things, for example on the country overview map, by adding a black border all around it. This way it's easier to see on white backgrounds.

- New design for the list of items and equipment of the vanguard forces, and where to get it, to include the new war battles:

For the next update, I plan to finish the vanguard battles and events for Begus (Whitestone Citadel, Norhall Stronghold, and Calterburry) and the war with Amagal. The future story will explain more about some of the things that happen during the war phase in this update.

I recently posted this preview for a new catgirl character in the preview_room channel on the Renryuu discord channel. If you want to see more CG previews, or take part in the update tests before the public release, you can find the discord server here:

If you want to support my work, feel free to visit my SubscribeStar page at:
Every month, I post the preview CG(s) for the child(ren) of one of the girls from the game. Currently the children of Kurohime, Grey, and Varea can be seen, and the children of Lili are in the works.


Sunday, September 17, 2023

Progress report 23.09.17

After the children for Grey and Varea, the CG for the daughter of Kurohime is also done no, and can be seen by $10+ subscribers at the Renryuu SubsribeStar page at The image above gives a little preview for the CG image.


Progress for the next update:

The next update is making good progress.

- The story events for the "pre-war" phase for the war with Begus are done.

- In the screenshot, you can see one of the new possible vanguard battles against Begus.

- Since the army uniforms of other nations don't have different types based on what weapon they use, I added little icons to show how they're armed. I'll likely add this to former battles as well.

- At the start of the battle, you can now select to change the formation. It doesn't allow you to move the starting positions somewhere else, but you can swap the squads with each others, for example, to put your melee units in front, and ranged units in the back.

- The "Formation phase" allows you to look around the battlefield before you start the battle.

- In the "Formation phase" you can also switch squads with one of the unused squads in the reserve, to adjust the force based on what squads are better in this particular battle. This should be a lot more confortable than having to switch squads on the overview screen of the vanguard squads.

- I changed the white arrows of the "selection icon" you use to interact with things, for example on the country overview map, by adding a black border all around it. This way it's easier to see on white backgrounds. You can see it right of Kurohime's squad in the screenshot.

Once the version is content complete, a test version will be posted on discord about a day before the public release to check for bugs. If you're interested, feel free to join us on discord at:

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Update 23.08.24

Changes in version 23.08.24:
- A new dungeon entrance was added to the area of the Shrine of Flunis. In this dungeon is a big door, which requires the events of 8 characters to unlock it:
Akai: First meeting
Neya: First meeting
Aiyana: Good or bad end of her previous events.
Mai: Good or bad reunion of her and Dea
Dea: Good or bad reunion of her and Mai
Coral: Lives in your castle
Mozaik: Lives in Taby's farm
Lili: Lives in your castle
- After finishing the events in the new dungeon, and when you had the CG scene of Aiyana and Flora, Aiyana will move to the plaza in front of the castle of Aldlyn. Talking to her there will unlock a new CG scene.
- Small change to Trey's blessing selection in the church of Aldlyn to show the name of the corresponding god when you select a blessing.
- The way how drops for legendaries work in the raid dungeons was changed. Instead of using a check whether "it is in your inventory or equipped" the system now activates a trigger when you get a legendary, to prevent you from getting it again. This prevents issues with getting copies of legendaries when the party member with the item equipped is not in the party.

Preview for the time skip system:

I went deeper into the development and preparation of the time skip events, but there is no playable content for it yet. I know that people look forward to the phases about war, so it'll be one of the priorities and might get started in the next update. The phases won't get developed in chronological order, instead I'll go back and forth between the phases during the creation.
Other priorities are the marriages for (female) Grey and Brad, which'll happen during the early phases of the time skip, when you made the required choices to be on that route of their events.

Please keep in mind that all of this is still a work in progress, and can change during the development.
The general idea is that you have multiple time phases, where you can select and watch different events on the worldmap. (The speech bubbles were edited onto the screenshot to symbolize events you can watch during the current phase. The final graphics might look different.)
Once the system is finished, you'd see these phases one by one in chronologic order, without being able to go back, but as long as things will be in development, it'll be possible to go back and forth, and even leave this screen to go back to the "current" time of the start of the game to continue your progress in the game.

The phases will include:
- Act 1: Dialog about the main story continuation, and how you prepare for the future battle against Raziel, in case that he gets control over the titans.
- Act 2: Shows the country changes and improves during your reign, and how it affects the people and their opinion about you.
- Act 3: Events about Raziel's group, primarily about Emilia and Mio.
- Act 4: About monstergirls and their changes.
- Pre War: Story and preperations before war.
- War: Battle phase in which you can fight against other countries with the vanguards, or play the story via text, if you want to avoid the strategy battle system.
- Post War: Events with tell you about what the result of the war changed in Central and the other countries.
- Act 5: The world changes as time progresses. + Events focusing about side characters.
- Preg.: Girls will announce or notice their pregnancy.
- Birth: Birth of your children.
- Act 6: Time during which your children are still babies, and the story advances.
- Children: Events of your childrens growth and childhood. Their personalities and unique traits will be shown.
- Act 7: The events for your children continue, where they become old enough to plan their future professions. As the battle against Raziel comes closer, you're asked to select a successor from your children. (The preview CGs for children shown on SubscribeStar are for this time phase.)
- Act 8: Last preparations and story events before the final battle against Raziel. It's the last part of the „time skip“ but there will be more content afterwards.
(The mentioned content will be the „main“ part of that phase. Small events with different characters will be scattered throughout the entire time skip phases.)


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Update 23.08.08


Version 23.08.08 changes:
- New full body images for Grey in his old and new shape. The face images were changed to fit to his new looks.
- After the events with Tsiom from the last update, you can talk with Brad at the sleeping chambers to get a new dialog.
- The event will determine the future of Brad. One of the three choices will give you a dialog with Ash in Kagabangui, which leads to a new CG scene.
- When you use the teleport orb after the events at Fürstenstein, the event with Brad and Tsiom, and all previous events with Grey are done, a guard in front of the castle will get a !-icon above his head. The event will advance the story of Grey.
- The event of Grey gives you access to a new dungeon area for the female adventurer group, which also unlocks the skilltree for them. The grinding for special pearls in the area for the skilltree is optional. You only need to find the chest with a unique item in it to advance Grey's events. The item unlocks a dialog with Grey in the castle in Aldlyn, which leads to a new CG scene.

Other news:
- The CGs for Grey's children are almost done, and the previews will be posted for subscribers on SubscribeStar soon. Based on the poll results, the next girl to get CGs for her child will be Kurohime.
- The next update is planned to be a quick one, so that I can release it in about 2 weeks. Depending on how much gets done, it might include the first view into the time skip events. The idea is to add them piece by piece, since it'd be too much work to do it all at once. It'll still take a very long time until the entire time skip (and all pre-time skip) events will be done.
- I also want to update and improve the wiki, since it turned out to be really helpful, but is still lacking a lot of info. You can find it at


Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Update 23.07.11


Update 23.07.11 changes:

The new content contains a chain of new events and several new CG scenes:

- The first part is a new quest with the female adventurer trio. It unlocks when you talk with Trey at the sleeping chambers after using the teleport orb when the scene with f-Brad at the cavern of the enigmatic warlord is done.

- After the quest at Fürstenstein, you can do a race for a treasure, which also gives you a new CG scene afterwards.

- The CG scene is required to unlock a new dialog with one of Lady Purple's guys. (Also requires that the marriage system is unlocked.)

- This event will unlock a new wedding quest, and a new dialog with Tsiom when you finished all of her training with Brad and finished the fight between Brad and Grimace (regardless of the outcome).

The new content for this update is done after the events with Tsiom and the new wedding. The next update will continue the story of Brad, give Grey new events, and maybe it'll have the first look into the time skip system, depending on how much I'll get done.
I'm also not forgetting about the walkthrough and wiki, which need to get improved. Apart from adding missing content, feel free to let me know what you think would be important to add or change in the current walkthrough or in the wiki page.

For anyone who hasn't heard about it yet, I post previews of the CGs of Ryen's future children as subscriber rewards at SubscribeStar. The full body CG of Varea's daughter is already done and available at for all $10+ subscribers! She's the first of Ryen's children shown in a CG image, with the children of Grey being the next in line. Afterwards, I'll make a poll between all subscribers to let them decide which side character shall get a CG for her child next.



Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Update 23.06.20


Update 23.06.20 changes:
- A new quest begins in the church of Aldlyn, when the marriage and vanguard systems are unlocked, and Tabsy's big farm and the military command center were build.
The quest will unlock the vanguard squad leaders Eynhylde and Selka, and a CG scene with the nun Enaris. With this, all 20 vanguard squad leaders are now available.
- After recruiting her, Selka can be found for an additional dialog in the barracks of the vanguards.
- Cookie was moved from "Central 2" to "Others 1" in the CG room.
- Eynhylde is in the page "Central 2" in the CG room, Selka is on the page "Non-human 2"
- Since Scuffy and Della can't gain stats from equipping better weapons, you can now upgrade the weapons of their squads to make up for the missing stats.
- The image for all normal and strong bandit enemies were changed.

Out of curiosity, I made a poll so that you can let me know which character design you like more between the pegasus knight Eynhylde and the justice warrior Selka with her head wings:

Now that the matter of recruiting all vanguard squad leaders is done, which I wanted to take care of for a while, I can finally advance to the next priorities.
The highest priorities for me now are to add the remaining weddings, and to start the time skip events. The "normal" events and CG scenes in the current time will also continue, but the focus will be on the weddings for the time being.
And when I have the time, I want to improve the war system, wiki/walkthrough, and the country managment map.

The time skip is planned to have several different phases, in which you'll see things like:
- The continuation of the main story.
- Events about how the country improves during the time and the world and buildings change.
- The development of befriended monstergirls.
- A war phase with events before, during, and after war.
- Everything related to your children like pregnancy and their upbringing. (All after the war phase)
How detailed these phases will be, and if some will get added or removed, will be decided while I make the content.


Thursday, May 25, 2023

Update 23.05.25



- New dialog with Aika Thanka in the bar of Calterburry when you unlocked the vanguard battle system, won the brawler fight of Brad versus Ash, and when you found the hellhound village in Amagal. The event will introduce her sisters Bennika and Angrika. Angrika will become a vanguard squad leader at the end of the events.

- The lightning brawler Sparky appears in the Black Twin Towers of Honor when you finished Brad's solo challenge, and when you have the brawler stamp card. Brad can have a brawl fight against her after finishing her challenge area. Winning the brawl fight will give Brad and Ryen new skills. Sparky's current character and face images are just place holder. She is planned to get a full body CG image later, but I decided to added her events and character before the CG is done.

- Changed the storage screen of the overview map to allow you to see what production is unlocked and what not, and tell you what you need to unlock it. The screen also gives you the option to pause productions that require other resources as materials now.

- I added the option to disassemble "all weapons/armors except one of each type" to the anvil of the fire and nature raid.

- The production rate for some resources of the overview map was increased.


Saturday, May 6, 2023

Update 23.05.06


 Changes in version 23.05.06:
- The dialog option of Cassedy to either annex the Luminous Order, or to make peace with them, are now unlocked and start new events.
The battle route will include a bunch of new enemies, and take longer to finish.
When the peaceful route for the Order is done, the ship on the worldmap will take you directly into the facility of the Order, and when you leave the facility, it'll also give you the option to return to Central directly, without the need to go through the cave area every time.
- After solving the future of the Luminous Order with either route, and when you have Scuffy as a vanguard leader, you can talk with Cassedy about soldiers with guns to get a new CG scene.
- Added one cowgirl monstergirl to the top right corner of Lualombo.
- The replay for the scene of Lace together with Irinlia can now be unlocked when they're both on different routes, not just when they're both on the good route.
- I moved the icons of the characters in the top right corner during battles down by 30 pixel, so that the icons don't overlap with the text. Since some enemies on the right side were already close to the icons, let me know should you spot any encounters where the change does cause an issue. Thanks.
- I lowered the priority for the icons of the country overview map buffs, so that many other buffs and debuffs are shown rather than those buffs in the menu and during battles. This'll ensure that, for example, you won't miss important debuffs in boss battles anymore, due to the country map buffs taking up all of the space for visible buffs/debuffs.
- Changed the names of the "Small Spidergirl" and "Big Spidergirl" monstergirls to Arachne and Drider.
- I changed all normal spider enemies (NOT the spider monstergirls) into rats, to make things easier for people with arachnophobia.


Saturday, April 15, 2023

Update 23.04.15

Changes in version 23.04.15​:
- Scuffy Fluffball, the second gun squad leader for your vanguard forces, can now be recruited after you talk with Cassedy about gun squads when Della's gun squad is at level 3 or higher. She is on the page "Central 2" in the CG room.
- You can now enter the gun factory which was build as part of Cassedy's events before you can recruit Della.
- A dialog with Linda will start an event with her and Mary, which unlocks a new event and scene with Louise. For Louise's part of the events, you can find and talk with her in your bedroom after the events with Mary and Linda.
The dialog to start the new events of the maids unlocks when you use the teleport orb after the CG scenes with Mary and Linda, and the dialogs of Louise and Elina until Louise stands in the treasury.
- Fixed a bug with the start of Chiyo's and Varea's new event.
- Fixed a bug with overview map UI icons appearing while you're not on the overview map.
- Fixed and issue with a disabled teleport option after an event regarding Kayelinth's farm.
- I added 5 new NPCs to the inside of the academy, to give it more life. Neither character has anything important to say though.
- I changed some star icons on the overview map, to make it easier to see which building increases which stat of the country:
Faith is light green/blue, Freedom is purple, Magic looks crazy, Knowledge is orange, Happiness is blue, Health is green, Safety is red, and Moral is the old yellow.
I also moved the star for the freedom streets generate a bit away from Aldlyn, to make Aldlyn less cluttered with icons.

 The changes from the small update 23.04.05 are included in version 23.04.15:
- New CGs for Jeanne's first CG scene. The scene now also has a version without the lingerie. (The old CGs can still be seen in the CG room.)
- Added the 2022 New Years Eve wallpaper image to the CG room.
- Fixed a bug with the trigger for Saphielle's "Orchel Trading Route" quest.
- I increased the amount of reputation skills you can use with the full 200 reputation before you drop below 100 and have to refill it from 10 to 15.
- The work area near Aldlyn now sparkles when the upgrade is available after the carpenter and goldsmith research.
- The icon to gather taxes on the overview map is a bigger star icon now.
- The option to use Budget to speed up researches is now available directly on the research screens of the laboratory and the university.
- Fixed a bug with the warface, tactics, and combat research of the university, which always claimed that the research would already be done.
- The research/production of Builder/Battle/Protection/Magic Knowledge, Magic Dust, and Rune Stone in the laboratory/university can now be done multiple times at once.
The price for instantly finishing the research is multiplied by the quantity you're researching/producing.

The continuation of the events with Cassedy and the Luminous Order are prepared and will be done in the next update. I was originally planning to add them in this update, but they turned out so big that I decided to split them into their own update.
If things go according to plan, I'll continue with the events of the Thanka family afterwards. The events will introduce the vanguard squad leader Angrika Thanka, which brings the 20 squad leaders close to completion.


Friday, March 31, 2023

Update 23.03.31

Update 23.03.31 changes:
- New event with Varea. It starts when you talk with Chiyo in the sleeping chambers after her wedding and the CG scene of Varea and Jeanne.

- Fixed an issue with the sales of Dorgania on the trading screen.
- Changed how Budget and Reputation numbers are shown in the UI to fix an issue with incorrect values getting displayed.
- Changed the requirement for the "Research speed" research from country tier 3 to 2, since it's almost useless when you gotten to that point in the research tree.
- The command center screen now recognizes it when you build the arena and the mines.
- Fixed the dialog for Allisa in Orchel, and for Zonja in Sunee.
- Fixed an issue with the paper research.
- Fixed a bug which caused the construction team to be permanently busy when building the monsterhall or armory in Aldlyn.
It's not possible to restore the construction team automatically in this case, but I added an option in the cheat book in your bedroom to turn all construction teams "available" again for those who suffer from this issue.
- Fixed a bug that made recruiting new vanguard squad leaders impossible.
- Fixed a bug which caused the training of good soldiers show that the storage would be full.
- I added the missing prodution for leather.
- Windows are now produced in the workshop. This way you don't need to research carpenter and goldsmith, and upgrade the work area with these two buildings, in order to get windows.
- Fixed the cooldowns for trades.
- On the trading screen, the resources other countries want to buy or sell aren't automatically the same anymore.
- You now get some resource double for the same material cost, as long as your storage allows for it.
You get 2x Steel for 1x Coal, 2x Silver for 1x Mithril Pickaxe, 2x Gold Dust for 1x Mithril Pickaxe, 2x Mithril Pickaxe for 1x Mithril, 2x Mithril for 1x Steel Pickaxe, and 2x Steel Pickaxe for 1x Steel
This should improve the production for some complex resources.
- Added a message after you collect taxes, that the values you get from it are the result of your setting on the finances screen.
- Fixed a typo claiming that a papermill makes meat out of pigs.
- The researches for the four Knowledge types, Magic Dust, and Rune Stone now block you from starting the "research" when the storage for these resources is full.
- Fixed a bug with Sandra's event line. The construction of the mine in the south was not recognized by her event, and thus prevented players from advancing her events.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Update 23.03.28

 After receiving quite clear feedback from players, I made a bunch of changes to the new overview map system to improve it:

- All resource production happens automatically in the background now once you have the necessary building for it. Research, training, and constructions still take real time.
- Removed the constant decrease of Reputation, Faith, Freedom, Safety, Magic, Knowledge, Health, and Happiness for your country.
- The max storage limit was removed. (If you load a save on the overview map, leave and re-enter to refresh the UI, since the storage amount was removed from the interface.)
- Increased Reputation for easy requests from 20 to 30, and for medium requests from 30 to 50.
- Expeditions don't „consume“ the soldiers you send anymore, but expeditions take longer now.
- I created buffs for when you collect country values when they're already at 100:
Faith (+5% M.DEF) [Church, Shrine of Flunis]
Freedom (+3% crit chance) [Streets, Newspaper]
Safety (+5% DEF) [Watchtower, Fire station, Police HQ]
Magic (+5% M.ATK) [Laboratory, University]
Knowledge (+10% experience gained from battles) [School, Library]
Health (+5% M.HP) [Bathhouse, Clinic]
Happiness (+5% ATK) [Bar, Park]
These buffs last for 40 turns in battles (the count is continued from battle to battle and is individual for each party member.)
- The Shrine of Flunis now generates Faith, and the laboratory and university generate Magic. (Knowledge comes from the school and library buildings)
- Recruits are now trained instantly.
- Training of soldiers is not possible anymore when the max amount of them exists already. If you finished the training of a type of soldiers while they're at max capacity, you'll get a message which allows you to cancel the production.
- You can now spend Budget to immediately finish researches and the training of soldiers.
- You can now enter the research screens while a research is running.
- The tutorial message was changed.
- Fixed the "Protection Knowledge" research in the university, which was generating "Battle Knowledge"
- Fixed a bunch of bugs with wrong productions and text messages.


Saturday, March 25, 2023

Update 23.03.25

The main idea behind the changes in update 23.03.25 is to give the player a more active role in the country development, and to give you a reason to come back to the overview map every one in a while.
Variables like your "Reputation" and the "Safety" or "Freedom" of your citizens are slowly decreasing when you do nothing against it, but they can be improved on the overview map.
Reputation allows Ryen the use of new, powerful battle skills, but only while it's above a certain value. Therefore, the player has the choice whether to not care about these skills, or prepare himself before tough battles by raising his reputation again.
[Some buildings on the overview map need to be constructed again, even if you unlocked them earlier in your save, since the triggers which saves what building is done was changed in some cases.]

- The country overview map now has a real-time based system instead of a turn system. This means all productions and constructions happens in real time while the game is running.
- The player has to actively gather resources that were produced once the production is done on this map.
- All timers run even while you're not on the map. Which means you can start a bunch of slow production, leave the map, and come back later once they're done.
- When you gather a produced resource, it'll show what you got with a picture that fades away, rather than a text message. You can move while the image is shown. This is intended to increase the pace of the system, otherwise it would be too many text windows that stop the player constantly.
- The overview map doesn't use your gold anymore, but has it's own "Budget" system. You need a certain amount of available budget for construction projects. Budget is automatically generated over taxes, which the player can collect every few minutes, or by one of the new constructions.
- The "Finances, Laws, and Policies" screen was adjust to the new country system. The choices on this screen now mostly affect what varibales like "Faith" for your country increase or decrease each time you collect the taxes. Due to the changes, most buttons on this screen were reset to the default option, and have to be manually set to your prefered way again when you continue an old save file.
The finances screen can now be accessed via an icon on the overview map, not just from the dialog with the treasurer David in your throne room.
- David does not give you gold from the country taxes anymore.
- Several new resources and buildings were added to the country overview map.
- All resource producing buildings have the option to show the recipes for their type of resources.
- You can only have a limited amount of construction at the same time. Building the new "construction guild" will increase your amount of construction teams.
- The values for things like "Safety" or "Happiness" of your country were changed. Buildings like watchtowers create such "Safety" over time, and the player has to gather it like a finished product.
- The construction costs for all buildings on the overview map were changed, to fit to the new resources and the production speed.
- It's not necessary to repair Bitterroot Farm to produce resources there anymore. Instead, the production is just slower until you had the events to repair the farm.
- A storage screen shows you all the resources you have. You have a maximum limit for all resources together, but also an individual limit, to prevent people from spam producing everything without thinking about what they really need right now.
If you gathered too many unnecessary resources, and it blocks your storage, you can throw away resources on this storage screen screen.
- The costs to recruit new vanguard leaders has been adjusted to the new system.
- The costs of the fortification upgrades in the command center screen were adjusted to the new system.
- You get budget instead of supplies now as a possible reward for bonus battles.
- Bonus battles now don't appear randomly anymore, but have a cooldown timer. The timer can be reduced with a research.
- The laboratory and university now have separated research screens.
The screen of the lab of the overview map and the general research when you go into the lab in character aren't connected by a "switch" button anymore.
- The user interface shows you in the top left corner if constructions, training, researches, and requests are available, working, or done. It also shows the storage limit, your budget amount, and your reputation.
- Variables like „Reputation“ or "Safety" currently decrease every ~2,5 mins by a random value from 1 to 4.
- A new trading screen, which you can access via an icon near Havaria Port on the overview map.
- The crafting for vangaurd equipment in the armory, and the trading caravan in front of Aldlyn were removed from the country overview map. The caravaan can be found in a similar way on the new trading screen.
- You automatically get the new key item "Country Management Map" when you are on the overview map, which allows you to enter the overview map from anywhere where you can use the teleport stone as well.
- Intelligence service upgrade removed from Witton.
- Horses were removed as a resource on the overview map.
- Val's event which gave you +20 Recruits was removed.
- Fire events were removed, but might return in a different way.
- A "request" system gives you up to 6 randomized requests for resources. These requests go from simple to very complex, and increase the reputation value.
The reputation from requests and expeditions is needed for some new skills:
Supported Outburst: Does physical damage against one enemy. Costs 15 TP. The damage is 1x ATK higher than the normal attack, but has additional 2x ATK on top of it when the reputation is at 100 or higher.
Supported Gust: Does magic wind element damage against all enemies. Costs 30 MP. Deals 2x M.ATK more damage while reputation is at 100 or higher.
Supportive Shout: Heals 60% HP of all party members when your reputation is above 100, else 30%. Costs 50 MP.
You get the first skill near the EXIT button once reputation is at 15+, the second skill near the windmill for flour after you build it and with Chiyo in your party, and the third skill near Thremten when the church was build and Mira is in your party.
The use of such a skill reduces reputation by 10. Which means you have to increase your reputation again on the overview map after using the skills a few times.

Due to the long development time and complexity of these new features in the overview map, I'd greatly appreciate all feedback for balancing and bug reports.

I added new character sprites for Allisa, Ashryn, Cassedy, Cremia, Deulari, Elmyra, Fang, Manticore Mia, Naomi, Nemelphia, Rena, Rina, Waterspirit, Worilla, Zaleria, and Zentha. Thanks to Knightlock for his work with these sprites. He also made new sprites for Arevis, Baemeth, Spidergirls, Jiangshi, grey and red imps, and Citrinne. (Character sprites are the small figures that walk on the maps, not the full body CG images)

For the next update, I plan to continue the events of Varea after the story with her and Jeanne. The idea is that it'll be a quick update, with Varea's events and all bug and spelling mistake fixes reported for the overview map changes, so that you don't have to wait too long for those fixes.

Special shout-out to Themil who does an amazing job at improving the Renryuu wiki


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Update 23.02.08


 Changes in update 23.02.08:

- After the events of the dungeon below Meddling Castle of last update, and when you had the first CG scene with Jeanne, you can go to her room in the castle of Calterburry to get a new events advancing the political events of Amagal and Begus.
The events end with a new side-character wedding.
- The "Main" icon on the wedding screen, which you can use to toggle between main and side characters, was split into the two buttons "Main" and "Side," of which the inactive group is grey and the active group colored. I hope this will solve the problem, that some people don't realize that the button can be used to switch groups.
- The stats of the Magic Leather Shoe+ were reduced for balancing.
- The nun Enaris of the church in Aldlyn and the small elf Cookie now have full body CGs. (They're available in the CG room page "Central 2".)
- Mirel's wedding ring now increases ATK and M.ATK, instead of only ATK.
- The anvils in the fire and nature raid were changed, and now show you a special screen instead of text based options.
- You can now upgrade each (main party) wedding ring at the nature raid anvil once. (Requires the Dusty Crafting Book from the fire raid.)
- Fixed a bug which gave you a "Game Over" screen when the party split while Ryen had 0 HP, since the game thought the entire party was defeated.
- I changed the CG room screen "Others 1" with all the maids to "Central 3" and moved Zonja to "Dorgania 1" and Louise from "Others 2" to "Central 3" so that Louise is with the other maids.

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Thursday, January 19, 2023

Update 23.01.19

 Update 23.01.19 changes:

- A new questline with Adrianna, which start when you talk with her in the bar of Calterburry after Adrianna's first CG scene, Elly's second scene (after the events with the Luminous Order) and after you supported Varea for the throne of Amagal.
- New full body CGs for Queen Jeanne Apelia of Begus, the Magicspirit, Varea, and the maid Louise. (Can be seen when you talk with the character, or via the CG room)
- In the CG room, next to the "Scene" icon, is now a counter which shows how many CG scenes the character has, and how many of them you have unlocked.
- New full body CGs and character sprites for Kurohime.
- After the spy mission with Kurohime in Luolambo (which unlocks her as a vanguard squad leader) and when you unlocked the private beach on the island Amaranthe, a new sparkling icon will appear near Witton on the overview map.
The event will trigger a story with multiple events, which are all started via such a sparkling icon on the overview map. The last event is a yellow island icon above Havaria Port, which triggers a CG on Amaranthe.
These events introduce the new character Citrinne, who was create as a reward for reaching a stretch goal on SubscribeStar a while ago.
- I fixed a bug which caused the tentacles in the secret prison to appear when you used the CG room to watch the scene of Irinlia and Lace while you're on their good route.



Update 25.03.03

  Changes: - Added the marriage events with Selka. It starts in the barracks of the vanguard leaders when you have Selka's CG scene, the...