Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Android apk update 23.11.07

To fix the problem with updating the game on android, I uploaded a new .apk with the version number 23.11.07: https://mega.nz/file/nowDVIrJ#KtDXSgXTaWzqW0TvBgmLn05Xn_F7W3tZHnrCKdr0xzQ

Despite being an exact copy, with all settings exactly the game, the programm to create the .apk works differently on my old PC than on my new one. Which seems to have caused the issue. No idea why, no idea what to do about it, but for now I can solve it by exporting the game to android on my old PC. 
Sorry for the inconveniences this problem caused.

1 comment:

Android version 24.12.26

  I made a new upload for android, version 24.12.26, to solve an issue with missing save files. Updating to this version will make your ol...