Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Patch 17.06.20 with bugfixes and changes for "update files only"

I updated the "Update files only".zip to version 17.06.20 as a little patch. The new version contains a few bug fixes and small changes. A new full game version is not available and the patch doesn't contain any new content. The new update files also contains the previous files to upgrade from version 17.05.31 directly to 17.06.20. 
- Elly can't gain unlimited levels through a bug anymore.
- Text of the grey Turn-End button at the country overview map was improved.
- The dangerous forest near Thremten, the forest near Ebron, and the bottom right corner of Aldyln now have farmable trees as an income for the Wood resource.
- Plants now drop Wood instead of Logs.
- The quest Old Barracks now requires Wood instead of Logs.
- All crafting recipes that required Logs now requires Wood instead.
- All Logs you still have in your inventory can be sold now, as they won't be used in the game anymore.
- An image will now show the stats of the magic weapons and armors before the purchase at the laboratory.
- Storage max capacity was fixed. Any recources over the limit will now "disappear". - The previous update files were missing a demoness image, which caused the game to freeze at her event. It's added now to fix the problem.

Download the new update files at:  
-- Mediafire --   
-- MEGA --

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Update 17.06.15

Changes from version 17.05.31 to 17.06.15:

- You can now exchange Stone, Iron and Wood items at Sir Edward, to turn them into warmap recources. (Wood is not the same item as Logs)

- The "stone seller" in the bar of Aldlyn now sells "Stone" items. This does not affect his role in the quest to reconstruct the old barracks.

- You can buy a limited amount of Wood and Iron on the trade map of the merchant Darude in Aldlyn.

- You can gather Stone similar to Iron in some dungeons. This does not require a Mithril Pickaxe.

- The turn-based system on the warmap now stops at the end of the last deadline (now turn 60), instead of stopping directly after the last battle.

- Warmap battle 3 and 4 added. Battle 4 introduces the first boss battle and a one-time full heal for a unit. Winning the battle 4 will bring the enemy commander Lind to your dungeon.

- Windmill/Bookbinder fixed.

- Changed the cost for lumberjacks/mines.

- New events with Naevy, which includes a new floor in the Spire of Courage, and leads to a sex scene with her (CG is not done yet, so it's text only for now. That's why it's also not in the CG replay screen).

- New CG for the first encounter with Brad

General news:
I made some changes to my patron rewards and stretch goal. Feel free to take a look at https://www.patreon.com/naughtynetherpunch for all changes. ;)

 Download the newest version at:
-- Mediafire -- 
-- MEGA --

Update 25.02.12

  Changes: - New event with Wendy when you talk with her in the barracks of the vanguard forces, after you advanced the events of F.Grey to ...