Monday, September 17, 2018

Update 18.09.16

Due to an unusual high amount of free time and motivation to work on the game, the new update is ready way ahead of schedule and has a nice amount of new content! You can enjoy 3 new CG scenes, 3 new monstergirls and a bunch of other improvements.

- CG scene with the small harpy at the big farm in Central. 
- Good CG scene for the slave Grime is done. 
- Added 3 new enemies: Cowgirl (Siriveta), Raijuu (El Arma Gravesite) and Water Lamia (Newkungu water dungeon). 
- The 3 salamanders, the 2 spidergirls, the anubis and all new enemies can now be captured. 
- Salamanders and anubis can be released at the monsterhall, spidergirls and the new enemies at the big farm. 
- To make the necessary space for all existing and upcoming monstergirls, the 3 release locations for captured monstergirls have been changed. Now each monster type can only be released at one of those locations. The existing count in your saves won't be affected by this. 
- The relationship of monsters that were removed from farms remains and is given to monstergirls that replace them at that location, to make sure nothing is lost. 
- Instead of having a system invisible in the background for the yield of the monstergirls, I changed it to a simple chest at all 3 locations. The chest gives you the drop for each monster girls multiplied with the amount you have of that race. It resets each time you re-enter the map. Also most monsters give their drop as reward for gifting or petting them past a certain relationship level. 
- You'll now see the battler CG of monstergirls on the screen when talking to one of them after they have been released now. 
- The APs are now refreshed when entering a new warmap battle. 
- Movement on the forth warmap battle is now possible again. 
- Fixed the warmap experience bug 
- Added the CG scene with the small spidergirl at the big farm. 
- Changed the title screen again. 
- Fixed some small bugs. 

For the previously uploaded mobile version, I would appreciate some feedback how many got it to work and want the new versions to be uploaded in this version as well. Since uploading the different versions to all pages I'm at takes a lot of work and time, I don't want to increase the workload if no one is using it afterwards anyway.


Saturday, September 8, 2018

Update 18.09.08

The update 18.09.08 is now ready and can be downloaded at the usual folder links!

- New events with the Queen of Begus. When you had the second political meeting and the other paperwork done, you'll get an invitation from her on your desk at the sleeping chambers. The events include several quest with two different ways to get to the CG scene at the end.
- The town Newkungu in Dorgania can now be entered. It has the foxgirl from the main menu in it and a casino with several new tiles, but besides the event from the Queen, not much is going on in the town yet.
- New dungeon floors at the Jade Cave and below Old Ashton. You can find silver ore there, which will be needed to craft white silver weapons. You can buy the recipe from the mage Allen after the events with the Queen, regardless of which path you picked.
- Two floors have been added to the castle in Calterburry for the events with the Queen.
- I added a text box with a thought of Ryen before the battle with Lace, to point out you need to use a skill in order to defeat her. There were several people confused by the fact that she wouldn't take any damage, so I felt the need to clarify it. ^^
- Fixed the bugged command center and units on the overview map.
- Fixed the issue of units not appearing in the battle
- Fixed the buggy AP of warmap units
- Fixed the dialog of the deserters at the Bitterroot farm and removed the teleport to the fort when you decide to imprison them, as it caused some confusion. 
Someone reported a bug with infinite experience gained from battles in the warmap, but I couldn't see any issues. When you have a similar bug, please let me know and tell me under what circumstances it happened. Thanks. 
This month the Patreon stretch goals for a scene with Bellatrix, and events aincluding a full body CG of Kayelinth mother were met. Look forward to see those in the near future!

It's been a long time since I tried to port the game to mobile. Please let me know if it works for you, and if it's fine to pack the game into a .zip file or if something else would work better.

Update 25.02.12

  Changes: - New event with Wendy when you talk with her in the barracks of the vanguard forces, after you advanced the events of F.Grey to ...