Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Update 20.03.02

 The update 20.03.02 is now available!
- If your quest with Sandra for Bob didn't finish due to a bug in the last update, talking with Sandra will mark the quest as done now. 
- Removed the Christmas elves, but you can replay all Christmas scenes at the note in the sleeping chamber. 
- The CG scene for the weak mummy was added to the CG room. 
- Added a reset option for Lace to bring her back to the start of the secret prison events. From there you now have the option of her good path. There are no CG scenes for her good path yet, nor does she get out of the prison yet. 
- New event with Hellhound. It starts in the volcano in Amagal where you find orangium for Vampire, when you have Hellhound's and Vampire's events advanced far enough.  
--- Downloads ---


  1. Please add D-Pad & resolution changer for android.

  2. Hello, been enjoying the game so far. Just some issues I came across

    1.) When it comes to harpies at the farm, if you raise one of them to 100, they all will show their affection at a 100, complete with repeatable sex scene.

    2.) There is a lot of inconsistent behavior with regards to captured monster girls. For example, I can raise Ice Harpies to over 200 affection, but others cap at 100. Only alarunes, for example, have repeatable sex dialogue beyond the first you pick.

    3.) The special gun quest appears to be bugged. I am at stage 2, which asks for steel, coal, and a water bottle. Looking at the walkthrough, it states that fairies drop water bottles, but in my experience they only drop magic water.

    4.) A minor issue, but the greater mummy asks for "tribut" instead of "tribute."

    5.) The town of Minsk doesn't seem to update to show the borders being open.

    6.) This is just related to some tidbits, but for the quest where you break into the Amagal prison, its weird that its established the party has amagal guard uniforms, but there is no option (or acknowledgement) about using them.

    7.) I do find it weird that the dialogue for monstergirls refers to them as "it" when it seems like "she" would work better.

    8.) Also related to monster girls, it feels like a lot of their areas are too small once you get a large roster. For example, the fire area can have 9 salamanders (3 of each class), and 3 red slimes. The pen with Spiders, as well, can have 6 spiders total (3 of each class). This can lead to traffic jams as characters wander around, trapping the player and each other.

    9.) This is a note, but the bottom-most bridge remains broken even after the repairs. This isn't needed for anything, but perhaps an option to fund repairs, for those with OCD?


Update 25.02.12

  Changes: - New event with Wendy when you talk with her in the barracks of the vanguard forces, after you advanced the events of F.Grey to ...