Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Update 20.03.30

The new version 20,03.30 is now available!


- New event line with Mirel. It starts at the sleeping chambers and requires the previous events and Mirel at level 25 or higher.
- Changed the special arrow item. Instead of being used as requirement for certain skills, it can now be used in battle to give Mirel a temporary crit chance bonus.
- The hellhounds Luoyang and Yimu have solo CG scenes now.  You need to get the relationship with them up to 100 by bringing them items from the hellhound dungeon in order to unlock the scenes.
- Fixed a bug with a CG of Lace, which refused to disappear after the scene was done.

Hi-Drive: https://my.hidrive.com/share/ijp41t-our
MEGA: https://mega.nz/#F!CpQXwBDS!wwZlWRrPWoGzZX5h0-MlRQ


  1. I can't release cowgirl in castle anyway i can release her

  2. I liked your game very nice! When do you think you gonna release the next update ?


Android version 24.12.26

  I made a new upload for android, version 24.12.26, to solve an issue with missing save files. Updating to this version will make your ol...