Saturday, May 28, 2016

Small update 28.05.16

Made a new upload with some small bugs fixed:
- Quest with the dark sorceress can't be repeated endlessly anymore.
- The door won't move away during Miras CG scene now.
- Dialog about strange gold at the laboratory is certain to appear now
- It'll stop snowing now when teleporting to the capital from the snowfort.

New download:
Download game with Mediafire
Download game with MEGA

Friday, May 27, 2016

Update 27.05.16

New game version!
It contains 2 new CG scenes for Tsubaki and Mira. Now all main characters have their first scenes complete.
Other changes include:
- New questline starting at the south fort will allow you to go inside the building of the farm south in central, where you can meet the lovely dark sorceress.
- The new questline also allows you to buy and repair the broken farm.
- The laboratory now tells you more information about the "strange gold". It still can't be used for anything, but at least you'll know what it is now. :)
- Summoning the blue slimegirl won't require any more essence after the first time.
- A new floor of the dungeon south in central is open with stronger enemys.
- Vampire scene condition has been fixed in the walkthrough
- New alternative condition for Vampires volcano quest. If you haven't found the trigger, the quest will still appear once Vampire is level 12+.
- Fixed game breaking walking events at the snowfort and the haunted mines with the Icespirit.
- Quest requirements are now included in the walkthrough.
- Ryokos urge system added to the walkthrough.
- Tsubaki has a new skill "Battle Cry", which will set all party members to auto-battle for the rest of the battle.
- The skill "Debug Attack" doesn't do damage against enemys with events during battles anymore, to avoid breaking events in battle that were not suppoest to be won.
- New present items "Love Potions" were added to the game. They can't be brought and will later be found in more places, but currently only 2 can be obtained. Love Potions have no relationship limit until which they can be used but require a certain amount of relationship or they will cause a negative effect instead.

Download game with Mediafire
Download game with MEGA

Download walkthrough with Mediafire
Download walkthrough with MEGA

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Update 18.05.16

New update! Mostly for bug fixes but also contains 3 new CG scenes.

- Coronation quest can't be repeated endlessly anymore.
- Wall in the capitals barrack can't be walked on anymore.
- Fixed a chest which gave unlimited Iron Shields.
- Changed some item descriptions for clarity.
- Added CG scenes for Chiyo, Mirel and Vampire. All can be started at the sleeping chambers if you meet the requirements.
- Small update on the walkthrough. I would still love to get some feedback about what should be improved or added to it. :)


Sunday, May 15, 2016


Since I receive questions for character locations or how to solve quests sometimes, I thought it would be a good idea to make a walkthrough for my game. Hopefully this will help people to find everything they are looking for. :)

It's still an early version for the walkthrough, so any feedback to help with the layout or content would be nice!

You can download the walkthrough here.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Update 11.05.16

New version uploaded!

- New CG event with Elly. Do you think you'll be able to keep up drinking with her at the bar?
- Chiyo and Sandra are now available for recruitment even if you chose against them in the events before.
- New map "Begus Broken fort" with a short questline
- New map "Begus Prison". You can get Sandra here if you didn't help her in the dungeon before.
- New map "Borderline Tower". No important events on this map yet.
- The game is now compressed into one .exe file. Savegames should work without problems by placing the old save folder into the same folder as the .exe file.

Download of the new 11.05.16 version at Mediafire

And most importantly, I have a Patreon page now! :) Support me at

Monday, May 2, 2016

Small update 02.05.16

Small update with second CG scene for Sandra and several small bug fixes.

- Sandra has a new scene, if you talk to her in the sleeping chambers when her relationship with you is above a certain value. To bring it high enough, you'll need the present item "Jewel", since other presents stop having an effect at some point.
- Kayelinth won't appear in the castle without condition anymore.
- Shey now appears in the castle even if you cleared the quest before the update.
- You can't step on the books for Chiyos magic knowledge and get stuck because of it anymore.

- > New download < -

Update 25.03.03

  Changes: - Added the marriage events with Selka. It starts in the barracks of the vanguard leaders when you have Selka's CG scene, the...