Monday, July 24, 2017

Update 17.07.24

The new update is online! It contains:

- 2 new Harpy enemies with new CG battler images
- 1 new map, when you go up north next to the fort in Witton
- Ariana's event in the Spire of Courage was reset and now enables a new quest at the Aldlyn city board when you wake her up instead of taking her prisoner.

New !-symbol events on the overview map including:
- One-time complete heal of all units (appears after first battle)
- Merchant selling 500 Supplies once for 20k gold
- A feast for Bread, Fish, Meat and Supplies to raise the moral of your troops by +50
- Option to sell Meat to Amagal with a relaxed trading policy (More trading of resources with other countries will follow later)

- Tutorial added to the overview map, to clear the confusion about the turn-system.
- Some warmap bugs were fixed, but some movement and attack range bugs are still in this version.
- Starting attack stats of enemy units are now lower, but increase in battle 4.
- New upgrade for each class in the warmap laboratory, which requires the class at level 1+ and silver to buy the upgrade.
- The arena on the overview map now has the option to replay previous battles. If you lost battle 4 before, you can now redo the battle and capture Lind.

- Added reworks of the CGs of Tsubaki's titfuck, the blue Slimegirl, and Chiyo's standing image
- New CG scene with the maid Linda, starting at the Headmaids selection screen.

Download from my own server at:
Else you can also download from:  -- Mediafire -- or -- MEGA --


  1. things keeps geting batter and batter nice keep it up

  2. the Ariana´s quest dont shows up on the board after i wake her..meaby its because i prisioned her before?

    1. but the quest dont get take down after i finish the quest

    2. Or maybe you need to progres a bit with tha story

    3. There was a bug in my first upload, where only the right tile below the white pillar triggered the new event with Ariana in the Spire of Courage, while when you walk on the left tile, it was the same event as before the update.
      I've already uploaded the updated files and windows version with a fix. If you have a savefile from before, you can replay it with the new files, or I can fix your savefile if needed. :)

    4. fixed, i downloaded the latest version and now works, thank you

  3. at the whisperwind farm is sells logs not wood

  4. looks like the tutorial actives the turn system or is sapows to be active and not if you talk whit the gemeral about the misions

    1. The tutorial has no effect on the turn system.
      Normally the turn-system starts after talking with the general for the first time and the first battle appeared on the overview map.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. you should put a lever next to the general that reactivates the turn system for those of us have the battle show up when it is off because it's not activating when it should.

  6. When you finish the lind scenario after the general is killed and placed soldiers in the bed chamber but haven't finished the potrait half the room is inaccesable and have potential to be stuck if you teleport to the bed chamber.

    1. I don't understand how the potrait is related to this? How exactly does the room become inaccesable?

    2. Because the butler is still in the room.

    3. I got it now. Fixed the problem by moving the bottom guard one tile to the right and open a path this way. :) Thanks!

  7. Typo in warmap Produve Silver.


Android version 24.12.26

  I made a new upload for android, version 24.12.26, to solve an issue with missing save files. Updating to this version will make your ol...