Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Bugfix - Version 17.05.31

Sadly I found some problems in the recent update. They were quickly fixed but might cause trouble to people, which is why I'm going to upload a fixed verson.
The new update files only to version 17.05.31 are already up and solve the problems. You can check, if you have the new version, by looking at the number in the top right corner of the title scrren, as shown in the screenshot above.
Fixed problems:
- Sir Edward doesn't reset your resources, bonis and units anymore, when entering the country overview map.
- Lumberjacks and the first mine cost no recources anymore, only gold. This should allow for a more secure resource gain.
- A bug for players who continued from savefiles in which they already finished the first warmap battle, where the turn-based system didn't start again for the second battle, was fixed.
- Reduced the amount of soldiers in some enemy units for the second battle slightly, to make the battle challenging but not too frustrating. :)
Download the newest version at:  
-- Mediafire --   
-- MEGA --

Monday, May 29, 2017

Update files only .zip bugfix

I accidently didn’t move the image folders of the update files only .zip  for the version 17.05.29 into the "img" folder. The update files were  reuploaded, but if you already used the broken update files, please move  the characters, enemies, faces, pictures and titles1 folder into the  img folder of the game. This should fix the loading issue.

Sorry for the trouble.

Update 17.05.29

The version 17.05.29 is online and contains:
- New mummy girl enemies in the Dhranholl mine.
- New event with Grey, Elly and the Dark Sorceress. Starts with Grey at the sleeping chambers, after you’ve done the previous events for the three girls.
- The dialog of Sir Edward was changed. Most building options are now on the country overview map. For his quest, you need to use the "Talk" choices with him, which will disappear once the quest is done.
- New battle on the warmap.
- Laboratory can now switch between normal and warmap researches.
- New buildings and changes on the warmap.
- Negative production now uses resources from the storage and shuts off production when not enough resources are available.
- Buildings constructed on the overview map also appear on the worldmap, but have no interaction on the worldmap.
- The first battle on the warmap will now only be available when you’re told about it by the general, who doesn’t appear until you’ve freed Vampire.

Known issues:
- Warmap is still not done. A lot of resources don’t have a use and the balancing is probably off.
- New events aren’t spellchecked yet.

Download the newest version at: -- Mediafire --  -- MEGA --

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Renryuu game review by WhiteSerenity

A while ago, WhiteSerenity wrote me a long mail with feedback and some questions about the game Renryuu. At my request, he made a review version of this mail, to post it here now. Maybe this'll be interesting to people, who haven't played the game yet. 
WhiteSerenity’s Review:
I think Renryuu: Ascension is an extremely good game and I loved how forward it was with the nudity. Most 18+ games that have a nudity or a sexual related tag are usually either based on sex with a terrible plot or it’s a great game but you have to wait quite a while before anything pornoghraphic is shown. 
This game blends both plot and nudity in a wonderful way. It feels like the sex is actually a part of the story, instead of it either being something that can only be accessed by earning it or the nudity being blatantly thrown in your face. The only time that Renryuu: Ascension threw the hentai in my face was at the very beginning, but that was also surprising because most hentai games with good plot like this generally won’t give you any easily obtainable CG’s or sex scenes without making you complete a difficult task. And I doubt anyone is going to complain about a free sexy CG. I also like how each sex scene has a story with a different location every time. I felt like I was playing the game for both the story and nudity, rather than forcing myself through a bad plot for some sex scenes.
Renryuu: Ascension was very detailed. I found myself going to every location at least 10 times to make sure I didn't miss anything. When I was close to finishing the game, after completing the main story I referred to the walkthrough to make sure I collected every CG and completed every quest because of how much there is to do. There may be some people who may or may not like having to return to every area of the game again and again, but I enjoyed the game so it didn’t feel like a hassle; And sexy/cute hentai girl CG’s around every corner was good  enough motivation for me ;).
In my opinion, the drawings of the sex acts were very different in how well they were drawn. I am not saying that I think there were some created with less effort, I just feel that some were better than the others. I still loved every drawing in the game because they were drawn satisfyingly well. Two of my favorite CG’s were the very first scene with Tsubaki (damn that was hot and unexpected. I hit “New Game” and *boom* Tsubaki’s voluptuous tits were in my face) and the scene with Lace. Having a full view of a hot hentai chick is awesome but I’ve never been a huge fan of missionary, so pulling her up with chains to see everything was arousing. 
With so many characters it’s great to see that they all have their own individual personalities. I have seen some similarities, but they all feel like they are their own person. Three of my favorite characters are Ryoko, Elly and Kayelinth because their personalities are so openly expressed. Ryoko with her constant need for orders which may be seen as annoying to some, but I see it as cute and endearing. Elly with her overflowing amounts of passion and honest love for Ryen. She’s a perfect example of a deredere. I don’t hate tsunderes and if they are done right they can be awesome and adorable, but they’ve been used so many times that I want to see other dere’s being explored, especially deredere and coodere. And Kayelinth being the most adorable character (in my opinion) in the game, with her inexperience with intercourse and her constant obvious and lovable need to eat and play. I definitely didn’t expect the dragon I was feeding to become a hot naked girl. I’m into anthropomorphic furries, but dragon girls and shark girls are quite rare compared to cat girls and dog girls, so I was pretty happy when Kayelinth appeared. 
I also love the music in this game. The main harmony for when Ryen and the rest of the group are walking across the map was perfect. I would definitely describe it as adventurous. Some of it reminds me of this game made for the ps2 called Nier. Like the music played when you enter the Fision Tower, which I absolutely LOVE! It’s soothing and peaceful, yet beautiful and mysterious. 
There are quite a few grammatical errors in both the walkthrough and game, but it really doesn't bother me at all. I’m not the type of person to let some misspelled/misplaced words ruin a game for me. The only games that I think should have complete grammatical correctness would be million/billion dollar game companies.
My Overall Rating
I played this game for 29:51:59. Within the first 20 minutes of playing I rated it a 4/5 and after completing the game I changed it to a 5/5. I look forward to playing the rest of the game and to any future games that Naughty-Netherpunch may make.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Update 17.05.15

The new update is done and contains:

- A new scene with the fire spirit in the south dungeon in Central.
- 3 new quests from Flaire at the thieves guild below Thremten. The third quest has 5 different ways to solve the problem, 4 of these are optional and hidden if you haven’t met the necessary person for it yet.
- Some small balancing changes.
- Dialogs from the last update were spellchecked and corrected now.

General news: 
Tomorrow, Tuesday 16. May 2017, the grand final of the Tournament of Fame will beginn at 
Only Tsubaki, Vampire and Kurohime are left! Everyone will have only one vote, so the choice won’t be easy, but the last girl standing after this poll will be the winner of the entire Tournament!

Download the newest version at:
-- Mediafire -- 
-- MEGA --

Friday, May 12, 2017

Streaming schedule

Since I'm planning to stream more from now on, I made a google doc file with my streaming schedule. In this file, I'll add and change the date and times for my streams, so that you're always up-to-date.

The stream times are marked with a color, to show whether the stream will be on twitch (non-mature content) or on picarto (mature content).

Streams will usually be 23:30 or 13:30 CEST. Feel free to add the difference to your timezone in the file, to make it easier for everyone in the same timezone to immediately know at which times the streams will be for them.


Monday, May 8, 2017

Streaming on

I'm going to stream on from now on, beside the irregular streams on, so that I can make more regular streams even when working on mature content, since Picarto allows for streams with such content.
The first stream on will be tonight at 23:30 pm CEST (which should be 17:30 EDT, if I'm not mistaken. :D )
If you're interested in watching streams of my work on Renryuu, make sure to leave a follow and you'll get a notification when I go online again. 
Streams on twitch can be seen at

On a side note, the polls for the last 6 characters in the Tournament of fame will continue on Wednesday at Make sure to drop by and leave your vote!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Update 17.05.01

The new version is ready! Beside a new scene for the maid Vivian, most time went into the changed for the warmap. It's not done yet, but the current version should be enough to give an idea to where things are going. Please let me know, when you find any bugs, and what you think of the changes.

General changes include:
- Spire on Courage added to the Begus south map item
- Ryen can obtain his new level 15 skill now by sleeping in his bed, when you play in a savegame where he was already 15 or higher when the skill was added.
- Higher m.atk for Chiyo
- Fixed the bug, which gave you steel instead of coal from mining coal inside of the Spire of Courage
- Fixed a buggy demon in the Spire of Courage
- Added a CG scene with Vivian to the headmaids girl selecion screen
- The music on all maps was changed to the same volume

Warmap changes include:
- Completely new map in between battles
- All unit can change class now (but require the necessary resources for it)
- You can heal and train new troops for each unit
- The first farm can produce Wheat, Hops, Pigs or Horses
- The storage can be upgraded from 20 to 50 resources max
- Watchtower can be build directly on the new map. A lot of buildings will follow, which will eventually replace the old "choice tree" of Sir Edward in your throne room for constructions
- Special events marked with an "!" symbol give short dialogs on the new warmap. For example, having helped Val's mercenarys before will give you a dialog at the blue villa on the new warmap, which gives you a few new recruits
- Constructions take several turns to complete, but are instant while no battle is active.
- Battles show you the win/loss condition at the start now, and a "victory" or "defeat" image at the end. Winning and losing will make you gain/lose supplies
- If your supplies drop below zero, they'll stay at zero but the moral of your troops goes down.

Bugs I'm aware of:
- Problem with unintended change of looking direction of enemy units when they're marked as in your attack range
- The AP counter sometimes doesn't refresh after the turn ends. The unit has the correct amount of AP, but the display is not updating until you move the unit again.

Download the newest version at:  
-- Mediafire -- 
-- MEGA --

Update 25.02.12

  Changes: - New event with Wendy when you talk with her in the barracks of the vanguard forces, after you advanced the events of F.Grey to ...