Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Bugfix - Version 17.05.31

Sadly I found some problems in the recent update. They were quickly fixed but might cause trouble to people, which is why I'm going to upload a fixed verson.
The new update files only to version 17.05.31 are already up and solve the problems. You can check, if you have the new version, by looking at the number in the top right corner of the title scrren, as shown in the screenshot above.
Fixed problems:
- Sir Edward doesn't reset your resources, bonis and units anymore, when entering the country overview map.
- Lumberjacks and the first mine cost no recources anymore, only gold. This should allow for a more secure resource gain.
- A bug for players who continued from savefiles in which they already finished the first warmap battle, where the turn-based system didn't start again for the second battle, was fixed.
- Reduced the amount of soldiers in some enemy units for the second battle slightly, to make the battle challenging but not too frustrating. :)
Download the newest version at:  
-- Mediafire --   
-- MEGA --


  1. find 2 bugs 1 is the cant get wood and i have all the lumberjacks and 2 the sacand battle if your trups get injard in first battle wont apper if heal them after in the second battle like the hourses if get injard in first and heal wont apper in sacond battle only the one that not die in first and yes the country overview map lags the game if stay to long and yes i dont have a good pc ok i only 4gb sorry 3 maybe is keep tryng to add the road evrytime and maybe that is the problem.

    1. i have a sugestion can make to get materials overtime if your not a battle going

    2. - The bugged healing for units will be fixed in the next update.
      - You will be able to buy or farm some Wood, Stone and Iron for the warmap in the next update as well, but it's not intended that you can already get all buildings right from the start.

    3. thank you is i may ask is the map overview lags for someone as for me after 1 min no more 60 fps and if i exit stays like this only if i restart or i may be the road is added evrytime you load the map.

  2. Well, dont know what caused this, but i cant build mine for like whole game(always "4 turns until completion"), also dont receive any materials(cause turn dont want to end i suppose?). I dont understand smth, or its a bug and will be fixed?

    1. After the second battle, the turn-system is disabled. This should cause all constructions to finish instantly, but you don't gain any resources.
      That the construction of the mine doesn't finish must be a bug. I'll check and fix it.

  3. Noticed that in the first battle the lower group of soldiers (southwest of a tent, in between 2 mountains) seem to have their total attack and total defense values multiplied by 0.

    1. Forgot to add this to the previous post, but for both archers and mages, attacking seems to use up all of their action points even if you didn't have to move beforehand to attack.

    2. 1. I'll take a look at it.
      2. It's intented that ranged units can't move after attacks anymore.


Update 25.02.12

  Changes: - New event with Wendy when you talk with her in the barracks of the vanguard forces, after you advanced the events of F.Grey to ...